Tag Archives: Video

Piper’s weekend, so far

Let’s just start off by saying it has been a pretty good one, especially in the category of becoming acquainted with extended family. Friday, Piper met uncle Sam (not that uncle Sam), my brother. As an awesome bonus/coincidence, my cousin Chad (above, with his wife) was in town for work. His wife and parents came … Continue reading Piper’s weekend, so far

La Musica Coolica #41 (CB)

Spicing it up (or dumbing it down, depending on perspective) a bit, this week, with a video. I normally don’t like to clutter this page up, too much with videos (unless they are of Piper or Reagan), but I’m making an exception this time. Since Labor Day, has already thrown everything off kilter this week … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #41 (CB)