I titled this post “Conference Weekend,” because it is the weekend that our church, instead of having local meetings, just has one mega-meeting, that everyone watches on TV/Webcast Billy Graham-style. Okay, not really Billy Graham-style, at all. Lucky for us, everything comes out in print, in a few weeks. Because we missed most of it. … Continue reading Conference Weekend→
With all of this recent noise about U2, surrounding their show in Jersey, they kind of came back onto my radar again. There was the incident with Bloomberg’s helicopter pilot, before the show. There was the appearance on Saturday Night Live. I even had a recent conversation with my friend about U2 and their appearances … Continue reading “Tired of” in the most literal sense→
One of my favorite times of the day, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is the last 10 minutes of my workout session. This may sound totally retarded, but whatever. I endearingly refer to those 10 minutes as, “nap-time.” After 30-90 minutes of running, then a 60 minute workout, I get to just lay there on … Continue reading The little things→
Besides having to work all day, Saturday, this weekend was a lot of fun for me (despite how serious I look in the photo, above). We were able to get to know some friends a little bit better on Friday night, by having dinner with them. Saturday night, we attended a party hosted by one … Continue reading Weekend, Etc..→
Oh man. I opened my email yesterday and this is what I saw. I’m starting to get really excited for this race, and fall marathon season generally. I will be running this one with my friend Carl (who does not yet have a blog, but is diligently thinking about it). Reagan will be doing the … Continue reading Marathon Season→
It is only Saturday, but this has already been a pretty nutty weekend. Roca Wear hooked us up with some tickets to the Jay-Z show last night. Reagan and I were both completely blown away. We both agree, that it was probably the best show we have ever been to. One of my favorite parts … Continue reading Crazy weekend, already→
Reagan and I are going camping with some friends, weekend after next. We are totally excited about it. We are going to this place near Bear Mountain, which also happens to have some climbing nearby. Ok, it doesn’t just happen to. My friend Col and I looked for about 2 hours on-line, one afternoon, to … Continue reading Shaping up→
Friday night, I was in Central Park shooting this race, when I passed by the croquet garden near Sheep’s Meadow. There was this dude out there playing all by himself. Just practicing his shot, I guess. Anyway, I stopped and talked to him for a while (after sneaking a few shots of him). It turns … Continue reading Friday Night at the races→
Okay, this race was awesome for several reasons. First of all, The Hardies and the Tolberts were there. Second of all, I asked Zack if he wouldn’t mind shooting the race for the Examiner article. He obliged. Linda, actually contributed as well. Dude, the shots turned out amazing. Zach has some skills. He got some … Continue reading Run for Central Park 4 Mile Race→
The Nike + saga continues. Reagan and I purchased Nike + Sportbands about a year ago, to help us keep track of our running (and to help keep us motivated). For the most part, they have been great. There have definitely been some hiccups along the way, including a design flaw, which caused the LCD … Continue reading Replacement Hardware→