I have been so bad at running lately (by lately, I mean, since last October). When I heard that we were going to be back into the 60’s weather-wise, this week, I knew my excuses had run out. It seemed a bit nutty to try to get back into a routine, two days after daylight … Continue reading Hello old friend→
Our new running club had it’s first club points race, last weekend. Our friend Zach Tolbert came out and shot the race for us. It was perfect weather and a lot of fun. Becca was totally on the ball, with getting our jerseys made and delivered before the race. It was a bit chilly, before … Continue reading New York Running Club→
Yes yes. How many times have I thrown up photos like this one before? Right? As I mentioned earlier this week, my Nike Plus sportband died on me, again. This is the third time it has happened. My cousin Liz suggested that I just abandon the sportband and go with the Garmin. I am almost … Continue reading Latest chapter of the Nike+ saga and Bon Voyage→
Saturday was the first race of 2010 for me. It was a good one to start out the year with, since the weather was beautiful and it was for a good cause (run for Haiti). It was also pretty cool, because it was the first race that our new team “New York Running Club” was … Continue reading First race of 2010 plus friends visiting→
I have been so freaking bad at running, lately. I haven’t done any running in almost a month. True, Piper has been sick, and I have been sick. But, even when I didn’t have an excuse, I have been extremely bad at keeping with a routine, for this entire winter. Hopefully that will all change, … Continue reading If this doesn’t motivate me, nothing will→
Reagan and I have been working all year long to gain guaranteed entry to next year’s New York City Marathon. We have been doing the NYRR 9+1 program. We have had all of our races (plus a few extra) finished for quite some time now. But when we got online to sign up to volunteer, … Continue reading Busy Weekend→
This year was the 40th New York City Marathon. It was such an awesome race, for so many reasons, including the fact that an American won the mens’ race for the first time, since 1982. For me, though, it was especially cool, because I was able to photograph it from the photo bridge at the … Continue reading 2009 New York City Marathon→
Saturday was marathon #5 for me. It was a fun race, but I definitely did not do as well as I was hoping to. My time ended up being about three minutes slower than I did on this same course last year. So, maybe I should get some consistency points, hahahah. Anyway, I think that … Continue reading Hartford 2009→
First of all, I had to share this photo, because I’m still laughing over it. If you have ever run a NYRR sponsored race then you have undoubtedly seen all of the course photographers along the way, and received the subsequent email solicitations to purchase the photos. Last Saturday, I figured “why not have a … Continue reading Jitters→
I’m trying to build a playlist for the Hartford Marathon, coming up on Saturday, and I’m having severe playlist-maker’s block. I feel like I’m kind of burnt out, for the moment on a lot of the stuff that I would traditionally load into my running playlists. So, today instead of sharing a Musica Coolica track, … Continue reading Help me, please→