Reagan and I both survived the race last weekend. It was the first time that we had ever run a road race together. We had a lot of fun and the weather was perfect. Our friends joined us on the adventure, which added to the good times. We drove down on Saturday morning and were … Continue reading Philly Race→
-Friday, Regan’s sister Jody came to visit on her way to Cairo. She and Reagan had a great visit with Piper. -Saturday, Reagan and I became CPR Certified, and the Univ. of Utah football team extended their record to 3-0 by defeating USU by close to 50 points. -Sunday, Moto GP raced, for the first … Continue reading Weekend Recap→
I know it is lame, but I am generally hesitant to write about Piper’s achievements. The reason, is that historically when I have chosen to announce what we took to be certain milestones, etc., she would invariably suffer a huge setback a day or two later. I am crossing my fingers (and toes) that this … Continue reading Piper would like to share her news→
This picture was taken earlier this week of our new little Avocado tree. It is now almost as tall as the other plant in the pot. See how much it has grown in one week! It looks like of the anxiety surrounding the start up of the CERN Hadron Collider was all for naught. However, … Continue reading Avocado tree update (and others)→
Reagan has been having anxiety all week about her run today. She is doing 18 miles. She is probably actually just finishing her run right about now. Anyway, she was really stressing about it last night. When I was coming in from moving the car this morning, she was on her way out the door. … Continue reading Go Reagan!→
Over the weekend we were lambasted with the remnants of Tropical Storm Hannah. Yesterday, we got rain again, all day. If we are lucky, Hurricane Ike will hit us in time for another nasty rain filled weekend. I don’t really mind the rain, in and of itself. But the cooler temperatures that have been coming … Continue reading Hurricane and 9/11 Season→
I didn’t really write much last weekend because I have been working on a new project for my extended family. My mom and my aunts are big time genealogy buffs. In fact, they have already published a few books. Anyway, I have been giving them a hand with a couple of genealogy websites. Since I’m … Continue reading On a roll→
I am super excited about the long weekend, for several reasons. First of all, it is looking like more lovely weather on Sunday and Monday. Tomorrow is supposed to be overcast, but that’s ok, because we are going for a really long run in the morning, so it will keep us from overheating. The next … Continue reading Ahhh, three day weekends.→
As I previously mentioned, Reagan and I are totally pumped about our new pedometers. Apparently though, calibration is necessary in order for it to be accurate. We discovered this last night. Reagan and I decided to do a 6 mi. run together after work. It is a route that we had both taken several times … Continue reading Are you calibrated?→