The Hartford Marathon was a blast. The festivities began when our friend Deanna flew last Thursday night. She wanted to come run her first marathon with Reagan. Friday morning we drove up to visit Piper on our way to Hartford. We woke her up from a nap to play with her. She was a bit … Continue reading Happy Columbus Day→
I’m not exactly sure why, but Reagan and I have the tendency to psyche ourselves out before races. Reagan is worse at it than I am. For example, she came in this morning after her run, telling me that she can’t breathe when it is cold, so the race on Saturday is going to be … Continue reading T -3 days until the Hartford race→
Fall has shifted into high gear. This last weekend, I could especially feel it in the weather. Since it is now October, there are some pretty fun times right around the corner. This coming weekend is the Hartford Marathon. I’m getting pretty excited/nervous about the event. It should be a total blast. I’m am a … Continue reading Good times ahead→
October means Halloween season. Here is a picture of our costumes last year. We were 80’s gym rats. Reagan came up with the idea 20 minutes before the party. All in all, I feel like it played out pretty well. Why am I writing about this crap, you ask? Partly because it is October 1, … Continue reading Happy October!→
For those of you who have had a chance to peruse Reagan’s blob today, you may have noticed the little Nike+ widget on her page logged a 20 mile run this morning. No, it isn’t a technical error. She really did get up on a Tuesday morning and fire off 20 miles before work. I … Continue reading My wife, the rockstar→
Piper was in good form this weekend, as usual. She had developed a mysterious rash Friday night. But it didn’t seem to be slowing her down at all. By Sunday it was visibly much better. Reagan’s friend Amanda was in town visiting this weekend. We all had a fun time hanging out. It was her … Continue reading Piper news→
The vacation day that I was planning to take today, didn’t exactly work out. It seems like lately with work, things have been relatively slow, until this week. Things have been going like gangbusters, again. I’m super glad about being busy, but it is kind of a bummer that it happens when I actually have … Continue reading When it rains it pours→
This Friday I am continuing to execute my strategy to burn excess vacation days. It works out especially well this weekend, because one of Reagan’s friends is flying into town tonight, for the weekend. I addition to palling around with them this weekend, I will be keeping my eye on the following items: Friday- Bailout … Continue reading Another short week→
Last night we spent the evening at the Garden, taking in the sounds of Weezer. If I mentioned that Weezer is Reagan’s favorite band, it would be a gross understatement. She was loving every second of it. I have to admit that I am a pretty avid Weezer fan myself. Highlights: -Weezer opened with My … Continue reading Weezer Show→
It was ideal weather to be dressed up in an inflatable nylon chicken suit this morning. When I was moving the car around 6:30 this morning, it was downright brisk. I brought a cardigan with me today, just in case. I guess that yesterday Autumnal Equinox made it official, and mother nature is complying. Returning … Continue reading Giant chicken spotted at WTC PATH station→