I have been a busy nerd for the last 30 hours or so. For a while I have been kind of annoyed with the Blogger setup. HTML seems so boring, when compared to PHP. Plus, I felt like it was kind of annoying, having stuff spread all out over the place. Anyway, last night I … Continue reading Nerding it up→
I have been a bit backed up with the video uploading for a while. So I sat down tonight and tried to get up to speed. The one below is of my little niece Maya dancing at night in Central Park. It is kinda dark, but you can get the idea. The video below was … Continue reading Getting caught up→
A little premature, I know. But for me, as the end of the year approaches, I tend to start looking back and trying to pickout, what, if anything, I have accomplished over the past year. I get annoyed when people decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving (even more annoying before Halloween). But I guess that I … Continue reading Hooray for the weekend→
Well…, Friday night, I had to work kind of late, so we didn’t really do anything, except watch American Psycho, when I got home. I was pleased that Reagan was able to go to sleep afterwards, instead of staying awake all night, out of fright (which she normally does when we watch a scary movie). … Continue reading Activities from Halloween weekend→
No, we didn’t run the race (this year), but if you read Reagan’s blob, then you probably know that we volunteered this year at the NYC Marathon. We were both chip clippers (the people who cut the timing chip from the runners’ laces at the finish line). This is the last year that people will … Continue reading NYC Marathon→
I feel like all of the recent activities, like four day work-weeks, partying like it’s 1999, skewed sleep schedule, etc., are starting to catch up to me. I feel a little off kilter. Maybe the weather has something to do with it. As evidence of this, I’m pretty sure that I’m starting to come down … Continue reading Off my game→
I hate it when I take a few days off, from writing. I feel like there is always so much to catch up on. Saturday afternoon, my mom and sister Mimi flew in to hang out with Piper. We were able to have really good visits with Piper all 3 days that they were here. … Continue reading Mom, Mimi, Moma→
Man, that weekend went by fast. I feel like I have been totally off the grid since Thursday afternoon. It’s not a bad thing. We had such a blast with Sarah, Jessie and their kids. This is a picture of me and Maya waiting for the 1 train. Riding the train was one of the … Continue reading B-day Weekend→
Giving thumbs up with about 2 miles, to go. Down the home stretch, firing up the sprintReagan and Carol, Down the home stretch Reagan and Carol, crossing the finish line
I enjoyed the debate last night. As I mentioned earlier, I was mostly excited about it because of the venue. I think that I may actually be a little less undecided after last night. Now that I got that out of the way, I’m pretty fired up for the weekend lineup. Since I’m out tomorrow, … Continue reading Thursday is the new Friday→