Reagan and I were able to have several great visits with Piper over the extended weekend. She has been doing great. There have been a few days that she wasn’t super keen on idea of protracted Trache collar stints, but for the most part, she has still been on Trache collar for several hours per … Continue reading PJ update→
Piper has already had a great new year. Yesterday, the Hopsons came with us to visit Piper. Apparently Piper was in the mood to show off. Reagan positioned her in a sitting up position and she was able to hold herself up for almost a minute. Check Reagan’s blob for the video. She was in … Continue reading Piper’s new year→
This is the only picture that I took on New Year’s eve. It is a shot of our block, as I was heading downtown for the evening’s festivities. It was bloody cold and nasty weather pretty much all day, and night. We had a great time though. Thankfully, we didn’t spend much time, at all, … Continue reading New Year’s and such→
What better way to say out with the old, than to go out to your car, right as the parking cop is placing a ticket on your windshield. Yeah, I was 6 minutes late, to move it. On a Wednesday too! It is because I picked up Reagan from work last night, and we just … Continue reading Another Year, another notch in the belt→
We had a freaking awesome time with Piper on Christmas morning. She got so many new toys, she doesn’t even know what to do with herself. I’ll get into that more, later. Anyway, we left Westchester around 1, for the airport. We flew out of Newark for the first time ever. It was pretty much … Continue reading Kickin’ it in the ATL→
I know that it isn’t Dec. 31st yet, but dude, I seriously cannot believe how fast this year flew by! I mean, just yesterday it was January 2008, and tomorrow is already Christmas. Reagan has been ordering some Christmas movies from Netflix. A couple of nights ago we watched “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Even though … Continue reading Happy Christmas Eve!→
In New York City, for several obvious reasons, although many of the older apartments in contain fireplaces, no fires are allowed. This is kind of a bummer, for those who enjoy lighting the yule log around this time of year. In this modern age, however, there exists a digital solution for this conundrum. The NY … Continue reading For those spending Christmas in the City→
I actually saw this IM after the fact. I was cleaning the bathroom and I got a call from Reagan. She had a really worried voice and proceeded to tell me that she had hit her head at work and that it was bleeding. What? I asked her if she needed to go to the … Continue reading Clumsy→
It seems like just yesterday, I was complaining about how is was so warm and rainy, so close to Christmas. Well, shut my mouth. My parents are in town this weekend (more about that later), and they brought one of those patented Utah snow storms with them. They arrived on Thursday night, and woke up … Continue reading Temos Neve→
We were able to attendĀ a couple of Christmas parties this weekend. The first was was at our church. It was a pretty entertaining program, until Reagan got a mouth full of fake snow, hahaha. Speaking of church, the music on Sunday was outstanding. We go to church with some very talented people. Sometime I … Continue reading Weekend o’ holiday partaaayyys→