I have been completely off the grid busy, for the last couple of days. In a way, it was really nice. For me there are varying degrees of stress, related to work load. As unlikely as it sounds, I tend to me most stressed when I am only relatively busy. The reason for this is … Continue reading Not dead, yet→
As always, we had some good times with Piper last weekend. She sits up these days, like it’s no big deal. In fact, she has learned how to pull her self up to sitting position, if you hold your hands out for her. She is getting more and more rowdy. When she is on her … Continue reading PJ Update→
She was thinking about getting the bird in the photo above. But then this happened: So we just kept it simple and picked up two pairs of zebra finches. We really like them. Actually, Reagan loves them.
Reagan and I had a really great time at our race on Saturday morning. We were both fairly pleased with our times. The photo above is before the race, across the street from where we parked. The angle of the photo was not for artistic effect. It was because of the slope of our hood, … Continue reading NYRR 8000 Recap→
[after philly half marathon 2008] Tomorrow, Reagan and I will be running an 8k in central park. It is our first race of 2009, and only our 2nd or third that we are ever running together (weird, I know). I’m pretty excited about it. Some of our friends are going to be running it with … Continue reading Tomorrow = Our first 2009 Road Race→
Reagan and I killed off both of our Netflix movies pretty quickly, this weekend. So, we turned to the instant queue and watched “Man on Wire.” This movie is CRAZY. It is about Philip Petit, and his dream to walk a tightrope between the WTC towers. I was marginally interested, from the outset, but once … Continue reading Man on Wire→
Piper was a little bit cranky when we arrived in Westchester County today. It turned out that she, like most people was just having a tough time adjusting to Daylight Savings. In the picture on the left, she is being fussy and unsettled. It didn’t take her long to pass out completely (as seen in … Continue reading Piper is still adjusting to daylight savings→
Andrea’s Muppet post actually reminded me of this post, which I started drafting last weekend, then forgot about. The photo is from last Friday. Reagan wore these shoes to hike around Harlem in the Rain. She calls them her Miss Piggy shoes. I’m trying to get her to trade up to a pair of these.
I entered Reagan and myself in the lottery today for the NYC Marathon. Either way, we plan on running it next year, through the NYRR program. Wouldn’t that be awesome, though, if we could do it 2 years in a row?