Piper, although clearly still in need of lots of rest and recovery, was acting a lot more like her usual self, yesterday. I took the day off, and Reagan didn’t go into work until 1. So, we were both able to spend a lot of time hanging out with her. It was so fun to … Continue reading PJ Update→
Warning: this post contains some negativity. Reagan and I have been trying to maintain a positive outlook regarding Piper’s new home. Of course it is always going to be an adjustment, going to a new place. There is new staff to meet, new procedure, idiosyncrasies etc.. It has been about a month now, and Piper … Continue reading PJ Update→
We had a pretty good weekend, considering that it was supposed to continue to rain all day Saturday. Apparently, mother nature was able to get it all out of her system early that day, because it actually shaped up to be a pretty nice little weekend, weather-wise after Saturday morning. Reagan cut hair in the … Continue reading Weekendities→
Today is absolutely beautiful outside. I took a little stroll this afternoon, down to the BPC promenade, and shot a couple of pics along the way. This one is my favorite. Fixie, green Yankees jerz, fully tatted, looking right at me. Let’s hope that this nice weather continutes all weekend. Reagan and I are running … Continue reading Beautiful Friday→
The semi-dry start wasn’t bad, at all. Ugghhhh. Going into this race I had a goal of finishing under 3:30. Little did I know it was going to be one of the most miserable races of my life. The first 10 miles were fine. It was kind of drizzling and a pleasant temperature. But then … Continue reading Soggy Marathon→
Piper has been in her new digs for almost 2 weeks now. She is clearly still getting used to the place. They moved her to a different room, last week. So she now has a roommate that is of a more comparable age. Unfortunately, this week Piper is battling to get her immune system up … Continue reading Piper Update→
The weather has been pretty mild, but patchy lately. We were pretty excited last week, when it broke 70 degrees. We went on a bike ride and everything. The shot above is of Reagan and her bike, Marsha (short for Marshmallow) last week. Well, I’m not sure if I’m ready for the weather that appears … Continue reading Summer arrives in NYC this weekend→
Phew. Today was a big day for Piper (and for us). The move went fairly smooth. There was an issue during transport, that caused her to be in a lot of distress when we initially arrived at the new hospital. We were getting kind of worried for a while, because her heart rate was staying … Continue reading Moving Piper to NJ→