We had such a great weekend with Piper’s Baker grandparents in town. It was tough to send them off today. I’m not sure if Piper is going to like Reagan or me as much, unless one of us gets some glasses for Piper to mess with, while we are holding her. We had a really … Continue reading PJ wishing her Baker grandparents a safe trip→
We had a really awesome visit with Piper yesterday. They let us take her into another room, where we could just hang out with her all by ourselves. It was really fun to have her Baker Grandparents here to celebrate her birthday with us. We will be having a little get-together on Saturday with cake … Continue reading Piper Turned 2→
This was a super fun race. Reagan and I both loved it. The finish line was right outside the entrance to my building. So it was super convenient for us. Our friend Jared came down and ran it with us too. He and Reagan actually finished together. Reagan’s goal was 23 minutes. Mine was 20 … Continue reading AHA NYRR Wall Street Run→
Sunday night, Reagan was being all artsy, working on some stuff for Piper’s birthday. She was having so much fun cutting up paper and stuff, that I decided to get in on the action. I got this great idea to draw and cut a stencil for the grip tape on my longboard. So I pulled … Continue reading Some Stencil Fun→
Today was a busy day for us. We spent the majority of it running all over the tri-state area to get Piper’s stuff moved. When we arrived at Blythedale will all of her stuff, she was snoozing away. It didn’t take her long to wake up though, and tangle herself up in some funky position … Continue reading Piperooski→
[Reagan, in front of the great lawn, before the race] I thought it was great that the benefit for today’s race was for kidney health. Reagan and I were joking the entire time about that scene from 30 Rock this week, where Dr. Spogemen talks about how kidney transplantation is no laughing matter. Today was … Continue reading NYRR Kidney Health 10K→
We got Piper all moved in back at Blythedale and everything, today. I’m feeling pretty good about the way this week is coming to an end. Reagan had a girls night tonight, with one of our friends who is moving away. It gave me a chance to get out and skate a bit. It was … Continue reading A second to breathe→
Piper has been doing better and better. Today, her oxygen came down to 35%. She has been getting full feeds and has been super playful. In addition to visibly feeling better, Piper will have one of her favorite nurses for the next couple of days. If she continues at the current pace, it is likely … Continue reading Piper is doing well→
A bit late this week, I know. But I was a little bit preoccupied on Monday, with some more pressing issues. Thursday afternoon is better than never, though. Right? One of the cool things about having a significant other, is being exposed to music, movies and other cultural items that you may have never known … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #25 (D-child)→