Tag Archives: Photos

Get Ready for photo overload (Piper update Grandparental Edition)

My parents were in town over the weekend. It was pretty awesome, since it is the first time that they have been able to schedule a visit together for about two years. Piper must have heard us saying that they were going to come visit, because she was on her cutest behavior. They arrived on … Continue reading Get Ready for photo overload (Piper update Grandparental Edition)

Keyed up for a pretty Mayjah Weekend

Yesterday was very productive. I attended the J. Crew Mens Spring 2011 preview (above), as well as the Levi’s Spring 2001 preview (Below). A nickel if you can correctly name the venue for the Levi’s event. I capped things off at the Rubenstein Gallery, where there was an opening party for the Brooklyn based art … Continue reading Keyed up for a pretty Mayjah Weekend