Reagan’s sister Erin and her husband JR came to visit us over the weekend. We had a really great time with them. In addition to the visits with Piper, we were able to pack in a lot of fun activities into 48 hours. Saturday, we visited PS1, in LIC. This is my kind of museum. … Continue reading PS1 MoMa and Mo’→
Piper had a really fun visit from her Aunt Erin and uncle JR, this weekend. She was in great form. She showcased pretty much her entire bag of tricks. We were able to spend several hours visiting with her on both Saturday and Sunday. More photos our our weekend visits with Piper can be viewed … Continue reading Piper Meets Auntie Erin and Uncle JR→
I have been completely off the grid busy, for the last couple of days. In a way, it was really nice. For me there are varying degrees of stress, related to work load. As unlikely as it sounds, I tend to me most stressed when I am only relatively busy. The reason for this is … Continue reading Not dead, yet→
Reagan’s sister organized a little Christmas program for the family. Everyone shared a little thought, talent, song, etc. with the rest of the fam. Reagan and two of her sisters put together this contribution: Chrismasettes from Jacob Breinholt on Vimeo.
We had a freaking awesome time with Piper on Christmas morning. She got so many new toys, she doesn’t even know what to do with herself. I’ll get into that more, later. Anyway, we left Westchester around 1, for the airport. We flew out of Newark for the first time ever. It was pretty much … Continue reading Kickin’ it in the ATL→
I actually saw this IM after the fact. I was cleaning the bathroom and I got a call from Reagan. She had a really worried voice and proceeded to tell me that she had hit her head at work and that it was bleeding. What? I asked her if she needed to go to the … Continue reading Clumsy→
-there was this -One of our oscars died. He probably didn’t feel loved, since he didn’t even have a name. -Reagan got sick. -I got sick. -My mom got sick. -One of my photos was in Gothamist, again. -The biggest item, of course, was that I officially joined the ranks of the LDS, again.
It seems like just yesterday, I was complaining about how is was so warm and rainy, so close to Christmas. Well, shut my mouth. My parents are in town this weekend (more about that later), and they brought one of those patented Utah snow storms with them. They arrived on Thursday night, and woke up … Continue reading Temos Neve→
Piper has been spoiled lately with all kinds of visits from cousins, aunts uncles and grandparents. Last weekend, Piper grandma Baker came to visit her. Apparently she had been saving up some tricks specifically for this occasion. It was the first time that we had ever seen Piper completely flip herself over onto her stomach. … Continue reading Visit from G-ma Baker→
I’m not really sure why, but for some reason, it is already starting to feel like holiday season. I guess maybe because next week is Thanksgiving. I can definitely tell, though. I feel like the whole pulse of the city becomes slightly modified twice a year. It happens once for vacation season, in late summer, … Continue reading Hooray for the weekend→