Wally and Pete flew in late Wednesday night (late). That didn’t stop us from getting up with the Sun, on Thursday to pack in a full day. We started out (after seeing Piper) in lower Manhattan. Here is a shot of My dad and brother Pete, at Alexander Hamilton’s grave (at Trinity Church). How funny … Continue reading Revolutionary War Sites→
Yesterday was the final weekend of 2009 Summer Streets. It just happened to coincide with the weekend that my dad and youngest brother were in town for the tour-de-revo-war ’09. It wasn’t the best of weather, in fact Hurricane Bill threw a pretty nasty burst at us the previous night, taking out 500 trees, in … Continue reading Nice weather for ducks (and ruining a set of bearings)→
I read the book “1776” earlier this year. So did my dad and my brothers. It was all part of a plan hatched by my dad. The idea was that we all read the book together, then have a pow-wow, here in NYC to visit the local sites that we all read about in the … Continue reading Three Day History Tour, beginning tomorrow→
Something really exciting happened yesterday. The WLB clan was expanded by one, yesterday. Reagan and I now have a nephew. My little sister Melinda, who was actually not due for another couple of days, went into the hospital early yesterday morning. Apparently she was in labor for several hours, before the doctors ultimately made the … Continue reading New Nephew→
Reagan put together a pretty sweet party today, so that Piper’s friends could come celebrate her birthday with her. It really turned out great. I didn’t take nearly as many as photos as I should have. We have such an awesome group of friends, who were willing to spend such a nice Saturday driving up … Continue reading Piper’s Birthday Party→
We went for a little stroll in Ft. Tryon last night, so that Reagan’s parent’s could check it out. We were heading to the lower terrace to check out the arches, and heard some hippies playing drums. Those hippies turned out to be our friends (who aren’t really hippies), hahahahaha. So we ended up hanging … Continue reading Homies in the park→
We had a really awesome visit with Piper yesterday. They let us take her into another room, where we could just hang out with her all by ourselves. It was really fun to have her Baker Grandparents here to celebrate her birthday with us. We will be having a little get-together on Saturday with cake … Continue reading Piper Turned 2→
I can’t even believe that she is 2! Reagan’s parents are in town today, for the rest of the week. It should be a pretty good time. I won’t be working today or Friday. So if the blogging gets a little sparse. You will know why. For those would like to join us in Westchester … Continue reading Happy Birthday to this little squirt→
I read an article this week that really shook me up. I don’t feel like that happens very often . I guess it was because the subject matter hit so close to home. The piece appeared in GQ this month, titled “Unreachable” and was written by Karl Taro. It is about the author’s adult autistic brother, … Continue reading Thought Provoking→