Tag Archives: deep thought
Some stellar parking skills
I know that it is not nice to laugh at other people’s misfortune (or stupidity), but sometimes, you just can’t help it. For some reason there was another alarm malfunction with my calendar this morning, because the “move the car” entry scheduled at 7 this morning, mysteriously didn’t issue a reminder. This was very aggravating … Continue reading Some stellar parking skills
Global Rice Shortage
I can’t even imagine what the world would be like without enough rice to go around. I was pondering that contingent while reading this article this morning. Although the article focuses specifically on the drought in Australia, apparently there are problems world-wide regarding rice production. In the olden days, during my stint in Hawaii, rice … Continue reading Global Rice Shortage
Hear me, hear me, I want sugar in my tea
I was relieved to read today, in an article following up on the Blackholes and Dragons article I posted about, a while back, that “Fears about the Brookhaven collider first centered on black holes but soon shifted to the danger posed by weird hypothetical particles, strangelets, that critics said could transform the Earth almost instantly … Continue reading Hear me, hear me, I want sugar in my tea
Get Pumped for Summer
Someday, I’ll build a time machine, go back to 1963ish and buy this house brand new in the Hollywood hills. Until then, there is always summer 2008 to get ramped up for. Not to get all depressing, but my friend at work was talking about this guy he heard on NPR, breaking down the remaining … Continue reading Get Pumped for Summer
Black Holes and Dragons
If you thought you were having trouble sleeping before, read this article. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/29/science/29collider.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin It cracks me up that the court in Hawaii would even let this Wagner dude file the action. They must have been like, “sure bro, we will take your money.” I’m sure most European Scientific organizations would jump at the chance to … Continue reading Black Holes and Dragons
Sugar Cubes
I was putting together a nice cup of tea this morning (still not feeling very well) and I started getting kind of pensive. When I was tearing open the sugar packets to pour them in, I wondered what ever happened to sugarcubes. I mean, I know what happened to The Sugarcubes. Bjork went solo and … Continue reading Sugar Cubes
Napoleon Watching Reagan Play Guitar Hero
The guy who was going to come take Napoleon never came (BTW). Yay!
from the subway this morning
Not affraid to show up to my own b-day party shirtless
My Aunt just posted this on our family website. Me at my third birthday party. I wish that I could still rock that no-shirt, chocolate on my face look. Those were the good old days.