Man it was such a beautiful night tonight. I wish that I would have been able to spend a little time outside. It was super clear and the perfect temperature. As I was rigding home tonight, I had the window down. It was the first time that I really had a good view of the … Continue reading Beautiful Night→
I read this article today about a guy who was complaining about Comcast on his blog, and shortly thereafter, received an email from Comcast, apologizing for the inconvenience, and stating that Comcast was currently trying to develop a solution to the problem. Kinda cool. Kinda freaky. I have actually wondered how much of that takes … Continue reading Blogger’s ’round the world, UNITE!→
Over the weekend, I was exposed to one of the most aggravatingly dumb things I have ever seen. It is a Parker Brother’s game called Gnip Gnop. No, the “G”s are not silent. Yes, it is ping pong spelled backwards. For only $20 you can own this game. It is made of flimsy plastic and … Continue reading biud boud→
How do I have so much time to write, you ask? Because I’m sitting around waiting for a bloody wire to hit so that I can make traxxxxxx out o’ here. To the point; I read a semi-intriguing article on the train today. It was in this month’s Esquire by A.J. Jacobs. The article is … Continue reading Are the kids getting smarter or dumber?→
I boarded the A at 168th today, since I was leaving from the hospital, instead of home. As a result, there were already more people on the train, than when I normally get on. There was, however, one seat between a kind of nerdy looking guy and a big dude. They were both sitting there … Continue reading Inconsiderate Straphangers→
As I sat here at my desk, eating my dinner tonight, I browsed through the takeout menu that came with my food. I couldn’t help but wonder if Bob and Doug Mackenzie ever eat at this place.
I know that it is getting close to the fourth of July when I hear an increase in the frequency of firecrackers going off at night. Having so many Dominican neighbors, we are used to hearing them pretty much year round. They don’t really need a special occasion to stay up all Monday night pounding … Continue reading Happy July→
Today was the stereotypical Monday. By the time I was getting out of the subway, the B-berry was already buzzing out of the holster. I walked into my office to the phone ringing and 4 voicemails. So awesome. Enough of that crap though. I had a few thoughts, and transactions today that broke me out … Continue reading Blah Monday→
We received our economic stimulus check this week. Woo hoo, the economy has been stimulated. Everything is now better. When I remember George W. Bush, I’m going to remember the way he saved the economy by mailing me a check. sarcasm aside, I guess I can’t complain too much. I did, after all, deposit the … Continue reading Economic Overstimulus Plan→
Here I am on day three of my acne strike. It is going better than I had hoped, from a self control perspective. Both yesterday and today, when I came into work I opened up the coke drawer, to do my morning routine, which is put 2 or 3 of them in the refrigerator. Instantly … Continue reading Going on Three Days Sans Coke→