On the way home from work today, I was reading this article about, so-called urban yuppie survivalists (preppers). The article showcases a couple of people, who live in relatively urban areas, but have adopted a “survivalist” mentality. The article distinguishes between the modern prepper and the extremist camo wearing, bronco driving type, with the radiation-proof … Continue reading "Preppers" give pop culture validation to age old Mormon habit→
The other day, Reagan was returning from a jog, and when she was closing the door to our apartment, she accidentally shut one of her Ipod earbuds in the door. Since then, she has been alternating between borrowing mine, and using her old ones (the kind that require the little foam part, to stay in … Continue reading $20 Ipod→
In perusing a gallery of street art done by D*Face, for his aPOPcolypse now exhibit, on display at UK Street Art, I came across this piece that I thought was especially timely.
I am about 6 months overdue for my 6 month checkup at the dentist. Initially I scheduled it (about 6 months ago), but kept getting so busy at work that I would have to re-schedule, about 3 times. Then I ended up just not going. About a year ago I had a re-treatment on a … Continue reading Procrastination→
confidence, originally uploaded by stevem78. I had to repost this graphic, contrived by my favorite British mash-up artist. I have written about the dude before. His name is Steve Mannion, he is the author of Base58. Anyway, he recently switched his site over to a wordpress format and has been publishing pretty regularly again. It … Continue reading confidence→
I was watching a little Fuel TV tonight to unwind. I realized that if you really good at something, people like you and respect you, no matter what you look like. I mean look at Shaun White and Tommy Clowers.
I came across this chair, this morning when I was out moving the car. I thought it was mighty kind of the person discarding it, to put would-be curb shoppers on notice. On the other hand, this chair was on the curb half way around the block from where I live. Having a bed bug … Continue reading Chinches→
When I was reading this morning on the train, I came across an article about being “that guy.” The most entertaining part, for me was the picture of George W. Bush giving chest bumps to an AF academy grad. Anyway, go to the Details website and take the quiz to find out if you are … Continue reading Find out if you are "That Guy"→
One of the coolest things that I have seen so far, this Monday morning. Fi5e, aka Evan posted this gem on ni9e blog. If you are going to leave that nasty gold badge on there, why not just go all the way? According to Razor Apple, only 20 of the hats were produced and are … Continue reading Ova’-gold→