It is amazing how hard it is for me to get my haircut, seeing that I live with a stylist/barber extraordinaire. Anyway, after 2 or more weeks looking like Chewbacca and wearing hats on the weekends I was finally able to regain my clean-cut image. That, and several other things made last weekend a pretty … Continue reading I finally got a haircut→
Since Reagan and I both chose to have a lazy morning, instead of getting up really early and hitting the trail. We had to opt out of Governor’s Island, today. But we still had plenty of time to hang out with Piper. She had just woken up when we arrived. So she was in the … Continue reading Party with PJ→
^—closely studying her favorite monkey birthday card. ^—-being tickled ^—-goofing off outside. She enjoyed it much more today, since it was overcast, and she didn’t have sunscreen in her eyes. Click through here, for a few more.
Reagan picked up a little hat for Piper, in hopes that it would help her deal better with the bright conditions, when we take her outside. So when we arrived at Piper’s house on Saturday, we slathered her all up with sunscreen and put her little hat on, and started to walk her outside. The … Continue reading PJ’s New Hat→
Don’t you love those weeks where you are so busy that they just fly past and before you even realize it, they are over? I love those weeks (but I hate when that happens on vacation). I have been too busy to even shave (see above). The shot above is perfect evidence of why I … Continue reading Is it Friday already?→
Piper did remember, today. Phew! She was in a great mood when we arrived. I feel like she is getting better and better at walking. She has to hold on to stuff, but I think that she enjoys being mobile on her feet. Today she kept making the rounds between me, Reagan and the bottom … Continue reading Piper’s Saturday + B-boy Battle→
Reagan and I were doing it up Bklyn-style, last night and a Converse promo featuring Kid Cudi et al. It is kind of fun when I can bring Reagan along to gigs like those, because we always spend some time just goofing off. There are just a few more items that I have to knock … Continue reading Poised to bounce→
I have had a blast, this week shooting three separate trade shows. Monday, I was able to hang out with a bunch of Olympic caliber snowboarders and swap some stories about riding Utah back country. I was also able to reconnect with all of my friends over at Cargo. It was a blast. I’m including … Continue reading Checking in→
This weekend was so great. We really didn’t do much, at all. I was able to take naps on both Saturday and Sunday. The definite highlight of the weekend, was our Sunday morning visit with Piper. It was one of those times, where she was in an awesome mood when we arrived, and stayed that … Continue reading Weekend Recap→