The semi-dry start wasn’t bad, at all. Ugghhhh. Going into this race I had a goal of finishing under 3:30. Little did I know it was going to be one of the most miserable races of my life. The first 10 miles were fine. It was kind of drizzling and a pleasant temperature. But then … Continue reading Soggy Marathon→
May is pretty cool for several reasons. My mom and my brother both have May birthdays. Piper has a birthday. I will be running my first marathon of 2009. Reagan will be running her first half marathon of 2009. Also, May is officially Bike Month in New York City. I’m not sure how many of … Continue reading Happy May→
Piper has been in her new digs for almost 2 weeks now. She is clearly still getting used to the place. They moved her to a different room, last week. So she now has a roommate that is of a more comparable age. Unfortunately, this week Piper is battling to get her immune system up … Continue reading Piper Update→
We visited Piper on our way up to Boston, on Saturday. It seemed like she had settled right into her digs. She had a new crib and everything. She was being very cute and playful. She was a little annoyed at first, since we interrupted her Saturday morning cartoon watching. But overall, she was glad … Continue reading Piper Update→
We had a really great weekend in Boston, with our homies. It was the first time that Reagan and I had ever gone up there, for the race. Our good friend Becca ran it yesterday, so we had an extra good excuse to go watch. Some of Becca’s friends have an office that sits about … Continue reading Boston Marathon 2009→
Phew. Today was a big day for Piper (and for us). The move went fairly smooth. There was an issue during transport, that caused her to be in a lot of distress when we initially arrived at the new hospital. We were getting kind of worried for a while, because her heart rate was staying … Continue reading Moving Piper to NJ→
This is a pretty big week for us. Piper is moving tomorrow. I’m very anxious to see that goes. Reagan and I have both taken the day off work for it. We are hoping that she makes a smooth transition, and that we can leave the new place feeling comfortable about her new environment. In … Continue reading Goings on→
We had an awesome Easter, so far. Although brisk, the weather is very sunny today. Church was great. The music was inspiring. We were so excited to see Piper, that we skipped the last portion of our church meetings, and booked it up to Westchester. Reagan brought Easter cookies that she had made, for all … Continue reading Happy Easter!→
I recieved a call from Piper’s social worker today. Barring any unforeseen kinks, Piper will be moving to New Jersey next Wednesday the 15th of April. I have a lot of mixed emotions about this transition. On one hand, we are really going to miss all of the people who we have come to know … Continue reading It’s Official→
Since the Scotland Homecoming 10k is this weekend, my friend Mike and I had been planning to make kilts for the event, beginning several weeks ago. Well, it finally materialized last night. I left work a little bit early to hit some of the fabric stores downtown. As luck would have it, EVERYTHING was closed … Continue reading Kiltzzzzz→