I know that the weekend isn’t even over yet. But I just thought that I would let everyone know that Piper is still doing awesome, and as cute as ever. We had a really good time with her today. She didn’t even puke once. They had just switched her from trache collar back to the … Continue reading Piper Update→
When we showed up at Piper’s house today, she was snoozing away. She slept for about 2 hours. We finally woke her up to give her a bath, and she was not too happy. Once we got her all cleaned up and stuff, she mellowed out a bit. When I was holding her, she decided … Continue reading Piperoony→
Tonight we had the privilege of attending the wedding reception of our friends Kim and Ryan. It was a really good time. The location was on the roof of one of the Central Park Conservancy buildings. The weather was fantastic. As you can see above, Kim look gorgeous. Ryan looked great too, but Reagan didn’t … Continue reading Kim’s wedding→
Okay, this race was awesome for several reasons. First of all, The Hardies and the Tolberts were there. Second of all, I asked Zack if he wouldn’t mind shooting the race for the Examiner article. He obliged. Linda, actually contributed as well. Dude, the shots turned out amazing. Zach has some skills. He got some … Continue reading Run for Central Park 4 Mile Race→
Yesterday, New York City finally decided to slip out of the extremely pleasant and mild mid-80’s, low humidity, straight into the dog days. I went for a very short run last night (14 minutes long) solely for the purpose of calibrating my new sportband, when I got home from work. It literally took me over … Continue reading Soupy Weather→
The Nike + saga continues. Reagan and I purchased Nike + Sportbands about a year ago, to help us keep track of our running (and to help keep us motivated). For the most part, they have been great. There have definitely been some hiccups along the way, including a design flaw, which caused the LCD … Continue reading Replacement Hardware→
For the last 3 years, Reagan and I have tried to attend the NY Philharmonic show on the Great Lawn at CP. The first year, Reagan went down to the park early with one of our friends to try to get some good position. About then, a full on monsoon ripped through midtown, and they … Continue reading Symphony and Fireworks→
We had a pretty great visit with Piper today. She was on trache collar, pretty much the whole time that we were there. That’s always nice, because she has less secretions, and is more mobile. But for whatever reason, the humidity, or something kept making her choke, which would necessitate suctioning. Since she was finishing … Continue reading Piper Update→
Reagan and I have a terrible habit of eating out at all of the same places, all of the time. We have a couple of “usual” spots in just about every neighborhood. It is a safe approach. We are never disappointed, because we already know what’s on the menu and what’s good. I’m not going … Continue reading Restaurant week is almost here!→
A bit of hammocking, a picnic and maybe a lil’ mini-golf. It is great to see how fired up Reagan can get about some pretty simple activities. I have to agree though. Hammocking is enjoyable.