Reagan and I had a really fun night tonight. It rained all day, so I had kind of written the day off and spent most of it catching up on sleep. She woke me up in the afternoon and suggested that we go out tonight. I got ready and was just kind of loafing around, … Continue reading Reagan’s Red lippy→
I was clearing off the memory card this morning and found this gem from Sunday. It is from our visit Sunday morning, before dropping my dad at the airport. Piper was sporting a Coolio-esqe (or maybe ODB) hair style. It was pretty cute. She was clearly loving it, showing off her little Brit teeth and … Continue reading Piper’s Coolio Do→
During my Dad and Brother’s stay, we were able to hang out with Piper, on several occasions. It was pretty clear that she remembered Grandpa Breinholt. She took right too him. She even snuggled up to him and was about ready to take a nap on him, the first day that we went up to … Continue reading Piper Meets Uncle Pete→
Yesterday was the final weekend of 2009 Summer Streets. It just happened to coincide with the weekend that my dad and youngest brother were in town for the tour-de-revo-war ’09. It wasn’t the best of weather, in fact Hurricane Bill threw a pretty nasty burst at us the previous night, taking out 500 trees, in … Continue reading Nice weather for ducks (and ruining a set of bearings)→
Well, this weekend I was finally able to justify the masses of camping and climbing gear that I dragged with me when I moved to New York from the Rockies. It is a good thing, too, because Reagan has threatened, on a few occasions to toss it all out. Friday night we went camping with … Continue reading Camping Upstate→
Piper was an energetic maniac today. We had so much fun with her. She was in the mood to do some major standing today. She wasn’t even wearing her good shoes for standing . She was standing on the floor hanging on to the bottom of her crib bars for support. Then she started chewing … Continue reading Piper Update→
The plan was to get up super early and go on this epic ride today, for Summer Streets. I had mentioned the plan to our friend Col, the night before. So embarrassingly enough, Reagan and I were still in bed, trying to decide whether or not to go, when Col called and was like “where … Continue reading Bike Rides and Helicopter Crashes→
Reagan and I are going camping with some friends, weekend after next. We are totally excited about it. We are going to this place near Bear Mountain, which also happens to have some climbing nearby. Ok, it doesn’t just happen to. My friend Col and I looked for about 2 hours on-line, one afternoon, to … Continue reading Shaping up→
First of all, Bloomberg’s Summer Streets are back, starting next weekend. I’m pretty pumped about that. We had so much fun last year. I was able to ride Park Avenue, all three weekends. We are going to be camping on the 15th, this year, so we will be missing that weekend for sure, but I … Continue reading Weekend, etc.→
Reagan and I decided to continue with the picnic theme today. After hanging out with Piper this morning, we packed lunches and the hammock, then headed down to the park. We were there long enough to catch some rays, before it clouded up. We made it home just before it started pouring. Click on any … Continue reading Piper and Hammocking→