Normally I just get annoyed when Firefox prompts me to update it. It isn’t that I don’t like to have the latest and most secure version. It is generally because I’m right in the middle of something and have to dismiss the prompt a few times before I can actually run the upgrade and restart … Continue reading Added bonus→
Ok; First of all, I apologize for the blurry blackberry photos. When Reagan and I were in UT, recently, we stopped through some of the local thrift stores in SLC. The Mormon church runs and subsidizes a chain of thrift stores in the mountain west region called “Deseret Industries.” Growing up in SLC, DI enabled … Continue reading Second-Hand Goodies→
I saw this board on Format, today. So sick. It has all of the essentials, like sprayed on grip tape (old school Nash-style) and a built in bottle opener. Here is the Format description: Santa Cruz introduces the ‘Land Shark’ Cruzer, which will surely revolutionize the age-old beer run tradition; full-equipped with a bottle opener … Continue reading I want this→
Yes yes. How many times have I thrown up photos like this one before? Right? As I mentioned earlier this week, my Nike Plus sportband died on me, again. This is the third time it has happened. My cousin Liz suggested that I just abandon the sportband and go with the Garmin. I am almost … Continue reading Latest chapter of the Nike+ saga and Bon Voyage→
Saturday was the first race of 2010 for me. It was a good one to start out the year with, since the weather was beautiful and it was for a good cause (run for Haiti). It was also pretty cool, because it was the first race that our new team “New York Running Club” was … Continue reading First race of 2010 plus friends visiting→
^_____Reagan, waiting for the A after our Piper visit on Sunday morning Now that January is officially over, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that 2010 is really here and well underway. February is going to be a big month for us. First of all, it is Reagan’s birthday is on Thursday. … Continue reading Happy February!→
We were able to see Piper in real life, this morning, for the first time in over a week. She definitely looked like she is doing better. It was tough for us to get a real sense of how she is feeling though, since she slept during the entire time that we were there. Her … Continue reading Piper pics→
Since Piper has been back at Columbia, I have been back to the old car moving routine. I have not enjoyed it. I normally get up at 6, so that I can get it done before there is any real traffic. The sweet spot is between 6 and 7. After 7, there is a garbage … Continue reading More wintry winter→
It has been kind of a crazy week for us, already. In addition to being back at my real job, I have been running all over the place, to cover various fashion trade shows, after-parties, etc. I really enjoy it, though. I see a lot of cool stuff and meet a lot of cool people. … Continue reading Randomosities→
I saw all of this ice that was collecting in the north cove marina, from my boss’s window Monday, when I was in his office. I decided to photograph it, Tuesday morning on my way in. The funny part? Apparently I wasn’t the only person I know, taking photos of floating ice in the Hudson.