…in the words of Ice Cube. The photo has nothing to do with anything. While we are on the subject, I had about 9 people ask me, today, what is the significance of “Ware 2.” So sorry to disappoint. The answer, there is no significance. Just some dude with a red broad-tip and bad hand … Continue reading Today was a good day→
I’m thinking about having this image tattooed on my chest and back. That way maybe it will be easier for illiterate people to figure out why I’m vibing them so hard when I pass them on the bridge. I’m also thinking about starting to lobby for a the GW to adopt the approach that has … Continue reading Bridge Rant→
(Above: 2009 Mini 10k, photo by: me) The only official item that we have calendared for this weekend is a race that Reagan is running. It is the NYRR Mini 10K. It is a Women’s-only race that dates back to the 70’s– and “mini” refers to the miniskirts that were popular during the era. The … Continue reading Weekend, glorious weekend→
I was in the park last night, doing what I like to do (playing with cameras). On the way out, I decided: “Since I’m here with my gear, why not grab a slow-shutter shot of the GW?” So, I grabbed the image below. For extra fun, check out the full resolution version here.
(above: self portrait) I have been so freaking busy this week. It has seriously been the longest “short week,” ever. I haven’t had time to write anything interesting, or even think anything interesting. I have shot some really good stuff this week, though. It has also been really nice to have such an uptick in … Continue reading Watching oil spill→
It’s from the P-pit show, night. Also, I’m thinking about abandoning Facebook. Not for any sort of noble reason (afraid of privacy issues, etc..). Mostly just so that I’m not tempted to waste time browsing it. I’m still deliberating.
The image above is actually from a post that I wrote exactly one year ago. Oddly enough, the convicts have spawned again, and there is a very similar scene going on in the tank, this week. I kept the mating pair separated for about a year, which worked pretty well, until the other tank cracked … Continue reading Fish, Friday, etc.→
Apparently summer decided to show up, last night. Today was a scorcher. I almost rode my bike to work this morning. So glad that I opted out of that one. Against my better judgment, I ran 6 miles after work. I almost melted. In fact, I may actually have been melting. I also ran the … Continue reading Midweek novidades→
Starting off a bit random– I have been encountering so many good female DJs lately. At an event Wednesday night, K Styles was spinning. She was actually tag teaming with Miss Saigon, who I saw at a Cavi runway show a couple of weeks ago. Nothing shameful about being told “you spin like a girl!” … Continue reading Bring on Le Weekend→
I was at club Amnesia last night covering an event. Jigga was supposed to be there, but had to leave town at the last minute. It was still a pretty sick party. They had these cirque du soleil-type acrobats swinging around from the ceilings. The weather had been cloudy and kind of rainy all day. … Continue reading Red Light, Green Light→