I think that we have already established that Sweedish=hot. Peter Bjorn and John, in my opinion live up to this characterization. This is another a group that I discovered only about a year or so, ago via Pandora. Why does it sting so bad, every time I admit that? Hehe. Anyway, they have apparently been … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #70 (PB & J)→
Moving back to the electronica end of the spectrum this week, with Underworld. Reagan absolutely can’t stand them. So, I’m generally relegated to blasting them in my headphones, when I do listen. I have been a fan since the days of “Underneath the Radar.” I even hung on after hearing so many versions of “Born … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #69 (UW)→
We saw some pretty cool stuff, Friday night. The Roa exhibit at Factory Fresh in Brooklyn was amazing (above). We went a bit early, so that we could make it to the P-Pit show before the doors opened to the public. As a result, we were able to see Roa finishing up his installation and … Continue reading Friday Night + Saturdizzle→
(photo: Diego DeNicola 2007) I’m not going to lie. I have to take Cee-Lo’s voice in small doses. But, when I’m in the right mood, I can really get into Gnarls Barkley. As ambivalent as I am about Cee-Lo, I’m a huge fan of Gnarls Barkley‘s other half, Danger Mouse. It isn’t just because he … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #69 (GB)→
I’m a fairly new convert to the Pinback sound. This is because I have only discovered them, fairly recently. It’s embarrassing to say this, but I heard them on Pandora, last winter on my Radiohead station. So, I guess you could say that we met online. Hehe. I suppose it isn’t that big of a … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #68 (PB)→
Saturday night, Reagan and I attended the May Day gallery opening at the Deitch Gallery in SoHo. It’s kind of a big deal, because it is the last show for the Deitch Gallery before the owner moves off to LA to curate some museum. The other reason is because the artist is Shepard Fairey. I … Continue reading Fairey-Deitch→
G. Love and Special Sauce is another one of my favs from back in the day, that continues to produce. This track is from “Lemonade” featuring Tristan Perryman. I thought about doing “Rhyme for the Summertime,” but it has been raining for 3 days. So, I opted with “Beautiful.” Check it. (Photo: not sure who … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #67 (GL&SS)→
This week is another throwback from the mid-90’s. Luscious Jackson was probably in my top 10 favorite groups during HS. I thought that they were awesome for several reasons. Primarily, because they were signed to the label that the Beastie Boys started called “Grand Royal.” In addition to being tight with the B-Boys, I thought … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #66 (LJ)→
I finished all of my magazines pretty early this month. The only article that really stood out, this month, is one of the first ones that I read. It was a little profile piece on Usain Bolt. It was awe inspiring and depressing, all at once. Apparently Bolt doesn’t really even try as hard as … Continue reading Current Subway Read, and other useless tidbits→
Here I go with the ska, again. In some previous LMC posts, I mentioned how my affinity for ska, growing up, was heavily influenced by the plethora of extremely talented local ska bands that were around, at the time. One of my very favorites was Swim Hershel Swim. I don’t even remember how they came … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #65 (SHS)→