Category Archives: Pop Culture

Musica Coolica #36 (B-haus)

If you have nine and one half minutes to spare, here is the original Gothic vampire jam. When Peter Murphy and gang refer to Bela, on this joint, they aren’t referring to the cutsy Bella, from the sparkly skinned “Twilight” vamp clan. They are talking about Bela Lugosi. I’m not really sure what all of … Continue reading Musica Coolica #36 (B-haus)

La Musica Coolica #36 (Grouch)

The Grouch. This guy is frequently collaborating with Murs, Eligh, Zion I etc.. He has a good organic Hip-hop flow. Grouch doesn’t really have a traditional Hip hop dialect. He pronounces the letter “R” in his lyrics, for example. Grouch tends to get a bit political sometimes, with the lyrics. Some of his stuff, I … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #36 (Grouch)

Friday Night at the races

Friday night, I was in Central Park shooting this race, when I passed by the croquet garden near Sheep’s Meadow. There was this dude out there playing all by himself. Just practicing his shot, I guess. Anyway, I stopped and talked to him for a while (after sneaking a few shots of him). It turns … Continue reading Friday Night at the races

If even the geeks think its tacky, you know its bad

There was a great section in this month’s issue of Wired, called “How to Behave: New Rules for Highly Evolved Humans.” The article discusses all types of tech related etiquette, like texting during parties, leaving your handheld on the bar, etc.. But, my favorite is the one about the bluetooth headsets. Thank you thank you … Continue reading If even the geeks think its tacky, you know its bad