This year was the 40th New York City Marathon. It was such an awesome race, for so many reasons, including the fact that an American won the mens’ race for the first time, since 1982. For me, though, it was especially cool, because I was able to photograph it from the photo bridge at the … Continue reading 2009 New York City Marathon→
This was our Halloween costume, this year. I’m normally not a person who likes dressing up for the holiday. Since I have been married to Reagan, I have had to defer. I will admit it was a lot of fun, this year. Even though those pants (which actually belong to Reagan) were way too tight, … Continue reading Sid and Nancy→
I have been a huge fan of Shepard Fairey since I first discovered his work. Despite his recent legal battles, which include the City of Boston (for illegal street art), and the Associated Press (being sued for copyright infringement, Re: the image from which is based his “change”/”hope” image), I still think that he is … Continue reading Shep in Mid-town→
Brian McKnight Omarion Monday night, I had the occasion of shooting DJ Webstar’s b-day party for SoJones at the M2 Ultralounge in midtown west. Omarion and Brian McKnight are a few of the celebs that showed. You can check out the rest of my photos at Sojones, as soon as the article is published. I … Continue reading Mo’ Parties→
It’s all about perspective. To me, this piece is absolutely amazing. I almost wish that there were an aerial shot, for contrast. The artist is Rub Home Kandy. This photo comes by way of Unurth.
Common Sense is one of those few rappers from the midwest, who was able to make it big. He hails from Chi-town, and was born “Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr.” He got his start in the early 90’s known mostly by the underground hip-hop crowd. He has done quite a bit of experimentation with his sound, … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #45 (CS)→
I just found out this weekend, that one of the World’s most famous organic skate spots is going to be closing down, so that it can be a parking lot for construction equipment. I’m referring, of course, to the Brooklyn Banks. This fantastic skate spot is located right under the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn … Continue reading Brooklyn Banks to be closed→
Occasionally, Reagan and her friends get together and trade stuff that they have cleaned out of their closets, then donate what’s left over. Reagan brought back the little gem pictured above, from the most recent of these little get-togethers, that took place earlier this week. It is a Kodak Hawk-Eye, patented in 1916. Reagan brought … Continue reading More photo-fun→
First of all, only one of the Brazilian Girls, is actually a girl. She is the lead singer, Sabina Sciubba, and she is not Brazilian. Fantastic name for a group, nonetheless. As it turns out, Brazilian is about the only thing that Sciubba, is not. Hahahaha. She grew up in Munich and Nice. In addition … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #44 (BG)→
I’m trying to build a playlist for the Hartford Marathon, coming up on Saturday, and I’m having severe playlist-maker’s block. I feel like I’m kind of burnt out, for the moment on a lot of the stuff that I would traditionally load into my running playlists. So, today instead of sharing a Musica Coolica track, … Continue reading Help me, please→