Yeah, the Wall Street Journal’s business offices are located in a couple of the lower floors of our building. Apparently there were some suspicious letters from Tennessee containing white powder that were delivered here today. It appears that some of the packages were also opened. While it is probably nothing, the 9th-12th floors have been … Continue reading Not a good day to be sharing a building with WSJ→
After all of the hype, the day has finally arrived. Don’t forget to by your historical copy of the gray lady tomorrow. If you don’t make it to the news stand in time, chances are the NY Times will print additional copies for you. Hahahaha.
I was so curious when I read about the shoe attack, this morning. I almost died when I saw this video. Honestly, what is the world coming too? Above all, I was impressed with Dubya’s ninja like reflexes, while dodging the flying footwear.
I am entertained by the way that pop culture has embraced the use of acronyms, initials and text message/instant message slang as part of normal conversation. After repeated exposure to it, it can start to seem normal (scary). Sometimes it takes a parody, like the ones on those old Cingular commercials (where the people are … Continue reading TMI→