In a couple of weeks, one of the most important moms in my life will have been a mom for 3 years. It is pretty crazy to think back on things. I am, of course referring to Reagan. Coincidentally, the photo below is of Reagan and my Ma B, hanging out with lil’ PJ, the … Continue reading Happy Mothers’ Day!→
The photo above pretty much sums up the way that Piper and her aunt Melinda feel about each other. Piper was really excited to meet her aunt Melinda, who she had heard so much about. Piper did take a break from hanging out with Melinda to play footsies with Reagan (above), and meet Melinda’s sis-in-law … Continue reading Piper meets Aunt Melinda→
We finished the chair in time to take it in with us today, when we visited lil’ Piper. She fit in it perfectly. Unfortunately, she was in a really grouchy mood the whole time that we were there, today. I think that she was trying to fall asleep, when we arrived. So, to her, our … Continue reading Chair’d up→
We had a pretty great visit with Piper on Sunday morning. Some of our friends, and Piper’s friends came to hang out. Piper was all dressed up cute and had her hair done, when we arrived. She was in a great mood and ready to play. It is so fun to watch her interact with … Continue reading PJ’s weekend→
Piper has been keeping the cute-meter needle turned up to eleven, for the past several visits. This weekend was no exception. On Saturday when we arrived, she was sleeping with both hands over her head, fingers wrapped securely around the crib bars. Reagan had to pry them off to wake her up. When we wake … Continue reading PJ’s latest→
This is one that I figured I had better post now, before I totally forget. When we were visiting UT, a little over a month ago, Reagan made Piper’s name in the snow, next to the cat track in Grizzly Gulch. I was hiking back up to get a photo of it (that is me, … Continue reading Piper Snow Sculpture→
Piper has been feeling a bit under the weather, for the past couple of days. She had a little bit of a crazy day, yesterday. Reagan has also been feeling sick for the past week, or so. I’m super glad that Reagan was able to be there with Piper yesterday for her whole ordeal, though. … Continue reading Solo visit with PJ→
Sunday was grey and cold, all day long. We visited Piper early. Reagan had a long story reading session with her, before Piper decided that it was nap time. I was definitely feeling the nap vibe, too. So, I caught my own nap, later in the afternoon. I hope that spring comes back soon. I … Continue reading A good day for naps→
We had an awesome visit with PiperĀ today. The weather was amazing today. So much so, that they had the window open in Piper’s room. It was so cool to be able to feel a natural breeze, while sitting with Piper on my lap. We broke out the Casio again today. Piper was going to … Continue reading Piperooski→
After our race on Sunday morning, Reagan and I had a very long and relaxing visit with Piper. For some reason, all of the photos that I took, came out looking like Piper was groggy and sad. She probably was groggy. She definitely wasn’t sad though. Just the same, I thought that if she could … Continue reading Goofing off→