These little guys have graduated from eating random detritus to eating ground up veggie flakes. They are also looking like actual little fish, instead of tadpoles or something. They still don’t have a lot of color. But they are very cute and curious. When I get close to the tank to look at them, they … Continue reading Baby Fish Update→
It was such a nice day outside yesterday, that I had to take a little stroll for lunch. I headed over to the Brooklyn Banks to watch some kids skate. Sadly, there weren’t very many people skating over there, when I arrived. There are a lot of new installations, since the last time I skated … Continue reading Walk to the banks→
When I first woke up today and saw the weather, I sort of panicked for a sec. All of these things were going through my head: ” I’m going skating, I’m going running, I’m going biking, I’m going to the park.” When I checked my phone, I had an email from the guys who run … Continue reading Good day for being outside→
Last week, I moved the mother convict and all of the fry into a smaller tank, in our kitchen. I thought that they would at least have a chance, in the other tank. Last time the convicts spawned, the other fish had eaten them all in a couple of days. Initially after moving them, a … Continue reading Baby Fish Update (it’s no puppy cam)→
We had a really great weekend in Boston, with our homies. It was the first time that Reagan and I had ever gone up there, for the race. Our good friend Becca ran it yesterday, so we had an extra good excuse to go watch. Some of Becca’s friends have an office that sits about … Continue reading Boston Marathon 2009→
I launched a new blog (yes, another one) where I am posting one photo per day. I have several friends who have already implemented this idea: T. Truscott, Well Shoot, and (oh dear, I just realized that the name of mine is very similar to the next one. Sorry Kendra), Three Sixty-Five. Some of the … Continue reading Getting on the photoblog bandwagon→
This is a pretty big week for us. Piper is moving tomorrow. I’m very anxious to see that goes. Reagan and I have both taken the day off work for it. We are hoping that she makes a smooth transition, and that we can leave the new place feeling comfortable about her new environment. In … Continue reading Goings on→
Reagan and I have been watching the pair of Convicts in our fish tank, flirt and dig for the last couple of weeks. They have emptied all of the substrate from an area of about 1 square foot, in the back corner of the tank. They piled it all up around their little nursery, like … Continue reading Baby Fish→