Yesterday morning I walked past this really hot Keith Hernandez wheatpaste, stuck to a relay box on West Broadway. I really wanted to shoot it, so I brought my good camera today, and everything. Unfortunately, street art doesn’t last long in the FiDi, and it had already been removed by this morning. So, instead, I’m … Continue reading Wheat Paste o’ the day→
The DJIA closed in the positive. I had a burrito for dinner. I just found out that my dad and both of my brothers (both of which will be meeting Piper for the first time) are coming to visit next month. NJ hooked us up with a great sunset. Life is pretty good, at the … Continue reading Jersey gives us another good one→
Reagan and I had a blast in RI. I mean, we always do, when we visit the Truscotts. So, it’s not exactly breaking news. We arrived in Newport on Thursday night, in time for 2 full days of playing in the pool croquet, barbeque, etc.. Mucho mas fotos here. On the way home, we stopped … Continue reading Independence Day Weekend 2009→
One of the great things about going to Newport for the weekend, is that it was very convenient to visit Piper on the way to and from RI. When we hung out with her today, Reagan dressed PJ all up in some patriotic colored garb. She was being super cute. We talked to the nurse … Continue reading Piper update (4th of July Weekend 09)→
… is lining the bottom of the cage this week. On a sad note, we are giving the birds away. They are going on Craigslist as soon as we get back to town. Hit me up if you are interested in 4 finches+cage.
Reagan and I were able to take a little road trip down south, this weekend to Virginia Beach. Some of our friends have access to a great beach house down there and invited us to tag along. For the most part, the weather was awesome. It was mid 80’s for the entire time. Sunday was … Continue reading Used to dribble down in VA→
Timing has not been my forte, today. First I had the train incident, this morning. Then, as luck (or lack thereof) would have it, the only 10 minutes that mother nature decides to make it rain today, occurred right as I walked outside to go get a passport photo taken. As a result, any and … Continue reading Passport Rain→
A lot of the time, commuting sucks. Especially when going all of the way from one end of the island, to the other, twice a day. This morning, for example, I needed to be in a bit early. So I made sure to get out the door at a reasonable hour. My efforts were, however, … Continue reading Balloons on the Subway→