I had my camera with me anyway, for a different event, yesterday evening. So I dropped into the Auto Expo at the WFC Winter Garden, for a minute, yesterday evening. I have to say, it was a weak turnout, compared to last year. Neither Astin Martin, or Bugatti showed up this year. For the most … Continue reading Auto Expo is back at WFC→
This is another one from the party last Thursday. I really don’t like most of the stuff that I have shot with a flash. Probably because I’m not very good at it. I did like the way that this one came out, though. So much, that I posted it over here too.
I took a break from work today, for church and to go visit Piper. In case I haven’t mentioned it, she moved back to Blythedale last Tuesday. She has been doing great. Our friends the Hardies came up with us today to visit Piper. The brought her a pretty special treat. It was a whole … Continue reading Piper gets some new frogs→
It is only Saturday, but this has already been a pretty nutty weekend. Roca Wear hooked us up with some tickets to the Jay-Z show last night. Reagan and I were both completely blown away. We both agree, that it was probably the best show we have ever been to. One of my favorite parts … Continue reading Crazy weekend, already→
We had a pretty eventful holiday weekend. Reagan’s sister Jody and her friend Chrissy came to visit Piper (and us). During our activities, we went to the flea market (above), saw the last showing of “9-5” on Broadway, and had some really great visits with Piper. ^–Throwing back some grub at Shake Shack ^—Reagan and … Continue reading Labor Day Weekend Re-cap→
I cracked up when I saw this twist on the infamous Shepard Fairey Andre the Giant stencil. It comes from PAtriX Flickr Album. It is part of her “Berlin” set. So I’m assuming that is where she shot it. The artist appears to be Elio Varuna. I thought it was kind of clever.
I have been keeping a photblog at photos.jakesnewblog.com for a couple of months. At first I really liked it. I liked making the photos show up 1000px wide, and all that jazz. But I really haven’t been feeling it lately. So I have decided to totally abandon the daily photoblog, for a quick and dirty … Continue reading Tumblr→
Piper was ultra-mellow today. It was really fun to hang out and have her just relax with us. She was on the trache collar for most of our visit today. That may have had something to do with it. It seems like when she is doing trache collar, a lot of her energy is devoted … Continue reading Piper update→
Reagan and I had a really fun night tonight. It rained all day, so I had kind of written the day off and spent most of it catching up on sleep. She woke me up in the afternoon and suggested that we go out tonight. I got ready and was just kind of loafing around, … Continue reading Reagan’s Red lippy→
If you read Wired, then you probably already saw this thing. I thought it was so cool that I wanted to share it. The photo is of the “living wall” on the Athenaeum Hotel in London. This wall is one of the several architectural/gardening hybrid creations by Patrick Blanc. The wall is covered with felt … Continue reading Reinforced Shrubbery→