It’s all about perspective. To me, this piece is absolutely amazing. I almost wish that there were an aerial shot, for contrast. The artist is Rub Home Kandy. This photo comes by way of Unurth.
These are some reading glasses that I got a couple of months ago to take the strain off my eyes during those long stints of staring at the monitor. Reagan and I both had some fun with them last night.
I just found out this weekend, that one of the World’s most famous organic skate spots is going to be closing down, so that it can be a parking lot for construction equipment. I’m referring, of course, to the Brooklyn Banks. This fantastic skate spot is located right under the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn … Continue reading Brooklyn Banks to be closed→
Today on our way up to see lil’ Piper, we took the long way around and stopped to get some shots of the changing leaves. The colors still aren’t peaking. I’m thinking probably next weekend will be better. There were still some pretty good ones already, though. I might get in trouble for posting some … Continue reading Leaves and such→
Burton is one of the brands that is featured on As a result, I attended a couple of Burton parties last night for their fall video release (“B” Movie). I had an extra enjoyable time hanging out and chatting with pro snowboarders all night, since I grew up in SLC and have been riding … Continue reading “B” Movie→
Occasionally, Reagan and her friends get together and trade stuff that they have cleaned out of their closets, then donate what’s left over. Reagan brought back the little gem pictured above, from the most recent of these little get-togethers, that took place earlier this week. It is a Kodak Hawk-Eye, patented in 1916. Reagan brought … Continue reading More photo-fun→
Reagan’s friend from high school, Lacy, and her husband, Alex, were in town this weekend for work. So we were able to hang out with them pretty much the whole time that we weren’t in CT. It was fun to see them. Last time I saw Lacy she was pregnant with their little guy, Noah. … Continue reading Weekend Generally→
Saturday was marathon #5 for me. It was a fun race, but I definitely did not do as well as I was hoping to. My time ended up being about three minutes slower than I did on this same course last year. So, maybe I should get some consistency points, hahahah. Anyway, I think that … Continue reading Hartford 2009→
The bottoms of Piper’s feet are much cuter than the bottoms of mine, Hehe. Both times that we saw Piper, this weekend, she was on trache-collar, and fell asleep shortly after we arrived. Sometimes it’s not bad to just have her snuggle up and nap on your lap. Today, though, we lucked out and she … Continue reading Piper Jane’s October, so far→
I titled this post “Conference Weekend,” because it is the weekend that our church, instead of having local meetings, just has one mega-meeting, that everyone watches on TV/Webcast Billy Graham-style. Okay, not really Billy Graham-style, at all. Lucky for us, everything comes out in print, in a few weeks. Because we missed most of it. … Continue reading Conference Weekend→