Category Archives: Music

Musica Coolica #36 (B-haus)

If you have nine and one half minutes to spare, here is the original Gothic vampire jam. When Peter Murphy and gang refer to Bela, on this joint, they aren’t referring to the cutsy Bella, from the sparkly skinned “Twilight” vamp clan. They are talking about Bela Lugosi. I’m not really sure what all of … Continue reading Musica Coolica #36 (B-haus)

APW Friday Shows

Reagan, and I have been pretty pumped about this show for a couple of months now. It was especially cool, because we generally try to get to a lot of shows during the summer, when it is nice outside. For whatever reason (the exceptional amount of rain is actually probably the reason), we haven’t really … Continue reading APW Friday Shows

La Musica Coolica #36 (Grouch)

The Grouch. This guy is frequently collaborating with Murs, Eligh, Zion I etc.. He has a good organic Hip-hop flow. Grouch doesn’t really have a traditional Hip hop dialect. He pronounces the letter “R” in his lyrics, for example. Grouch tends to get a bit political sometimes, with the lyrics. Some of his stuff, I … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #36 (Grouch)


Next Monday and Tuesday evening, I will be covering the Cargo fashion art and music trade show for SoJones. I’m pretty excited about it. So feel free to check out SoJones next week for some hard-hitting photo and literary journalism (the part about “hard-hitting” is tongue in cheek, of course) by yours truly.