Category Archives: Friends

Giveaway No. 4 and plan to takeover the universe

Up for grabs this round, is a pair of Skullcandy “Smokin’ Buds.” Although I think the name of this model is a bit kitschy, I think that Skullcandy makes some quality products. Whether audiophile or not, I feel like everyone can appreciate a quality sounding headphone. Although, I could be wrong. Speaking of audiophiles– This … Continue reading Giveaway No. 4 and plan to takeover the universe

NYC Marathon Recap, Lucky Number 7

Wow, I don’t really even know where to begin, on this one. As I mentioned last week, I was a bit nervous going into this race, given the large span of down time from illness. So, I set a goal for myself to forget about a target pace, and just soak up all of the … Continue reading NYC Marathon Recap, Lucky Number 7

Keyed up for a pretty Mayjah Weekend

Yesterday was very productive. I attended the J. Crew Mens Spring 2011 preview (above), as well as the Levi’s Spring 2001 preview (Below). A nickel if you can correctly name the venue for the Levi’s event. I capped things off at the Rubenstein Gallery, where there was an opening party for the Brooklyn based art … Continue reading Keyed up for a pretty Mayjah Weekend