Piper had a pretty uneventful day, Saturday. Being that she tends to become agitated and de-sat when she is awake, she was kept a bit more sedated. The doctors took another X-ray of her in the evening, which came back almost the same as it was Thursday. Although we would have liked to have had … Continue reading Nothing really new→
Piper seems to be doing well. She is definitely acting like her spunky self, again. We went to visit her very early today, and were able to have several quality hours with her. We can tell that she is still trying to shake the final stages of the bug that was causing her so much … Continue reading PJ News→
For the title, I was going to use “this n’ that,” again. But, I already used that earlier this week. “Ramble on” works better anyway, because it kind of invokes the Led Zeppelin song. Here is le scoop: Piper wasn’t feeling too hot earlier this week. Apparently she had a minor case of pneumonia. Luckily … Continue reading Ramble on→
It was really nice not having to work, this week. Reagan, unfortunately was not able to get out of work on Thursday. So, I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Reagan’s Parents. One of the great things about having family come from out of town, is that it gives me a good excuse … Continue reading This n’ that→
On New Year’s Day, we showed up to visit Piper, and she was apparently still partying from the night before. We are still trying to get used to her new place. It has been really good to be able to visit her so much since she moved. We were able to have some really great … Continue reading New Year’s Day 2010→
Wednesday, Reagan and I took Reagan’s parents down to the Brooklyn Bridge. Every time that I walk across it, I think the same thing: “I don’t do this enough.” Even though it was only 29 degrees, we had a really fun time. Toward the end, Reagan did get a little bit pouty about the cold. … Continue reading Bk Bridge→
Tuesday was a very busy day for us. We moved Piper back to New Jersey in the morning. The move seemed to go pretty smoothly. Piper was still in a good mood, even after they completed all of the intake pestering. Later in the evening, we picked up Reagan’s parents from the airport. Wednesday, when … Continue reading Piper settling in at Wanaque→
Saturday night, we had a really fun visit with Piper. Our friends the Smoots came with us. It was really fun to watch their little daughter Stella play with Piper. Stella was really sweet to Piper, and Piper was completely mesmerized by Stella. Piper is moving back to Wanaque in NJ this week. Tomorrow, to … Continue reading Monkey PJs→
Last night, Reagan and I went to a church on the east side to watch a live nativity with some of our friends. Afterward, we ate at this Brazilian place called Zebu, on 92nd and 2nd. It was pretty awesome food. I woke up bright and early this morning with an excited little wife tugging … Continue reading Merry Christmas→
^—-This was our block, this morning. Yes, it turned out to be a legitimate snow storm. I still think that all of the hype was a little much, though. Lucky for us, it apparently had been pretty windy on Ft. Washington. Because when we got to our car this morning, the wind had already done … Continue reading Mo’ snow, Mo’ Piper→