We had a pretty good weekend, considering that it was supposed to continue to rain all day Saturday. Apparently, mother nature was able to get it all out of her system early that day, because it actually shaped up to be a pretty nice little weekend, weather-wise after Saturday morning. Reagan cut hair in the … Continue reading Weekendities→
May is pretty cool for several reasons. My mom and my brother both have May birthdays. Piper has a birthday. I will be running my first marathon of 2009. Reagan will be running her first half marathon of 2009. Also, May is officially Bike Month in New York City. I’m not sure how many of … Continue reading Happy May→
I read an article this week that really shook me up. I don’t feel like that happens very often . I guess it was because the subject matter hit so close to home. The piece appeared in GQ this month, titled “Unreachable” and was written by Karl Taro. It is about the author’s adult autistic brother, … Continue reading Thought Provoking→
This is a pretty big week for us. Piper is moving tomorrow. I’m very anxious to see that goes. Reagan and I have both taken the day off work for it. We are hoping that she makes a smooth transition, and that we can leave the new place feeling comfortable about her new environment. In … Continue reading Goings on→
My day is normally broken up into manageable units by sporadic IM conversations with Reagan. These conversations normally consist of Reagan telling me about what is on Oprah, and me telling her about the crap that I read in the paper. Today, when I got to work, I saw that Reagan was already online at … Continue reading Disconnected→
Reagan’s sister Erin and her husband JR came to visit us over the weekend. We had a really great time with them. In addition to the visits with Piper, we were able to pack in a lot of fun activities into 48 hours. Saturday, we visited PS1, in LIC. This is my kind of museum. … Continue reading PS1 MoMa and Mo’→
Piper had a really fun visit from her Aunt Erin and uncle JR, this weekend. She was in great form. She showcased pretty much her entire bag of tricks. We were able to spend several hours visiting with her on both Saturday and Sunday. More photos our our weekend visits with Piper can be viewed … Continue reading Piper Meets Auntie Erin and Uncle JR→
I have been completely off the grid busy, for the last couple of days. In a way, it was really nice. For me there are varying degrees of stress, related to work load. As unlikely as it sounds, I tend to me most stressed when I am only relatively busy. The reason for this is … Continue reading Not dead, yet→
As always, we had some good times with Piper last weekend. She sits up these days, like it’s no big deal. In fact, she has learned how to pull her self up to sitting position, if you hold your hands out for her. She is getting more and more rowdy. When she is on her … Continue reading PJ Update→