^—–Reagan sitting in an old cannon installation on Governor’s Island Reagan read this great article in Time Out NY, earlier this month about Governor’s Island. I had been reading random things about it on Gothamist for the past couple of months as well. We finally decided to check it out today. When I say check … Continue reading Governor’s Island→
I know that the weekend isn’t even over yet. But I just thought that I would let everyone know that Piper is still doing awesome, and as cute as ever. We had a really good time with her today. She didn’t even puke once. They had just switched her from trache collar back to the … Continue reading Piper Update→
When we showed up at Piper’s house today, she was snoozing away. She slept for about 2 hours. We finally woke her up to give her a bath, and she was not too happy. Once we got her all cleaned up and stuff, she mellowed out a bit. When I was holding her, she decided … Continue reading Piperoony→
Yesterday, New York City finally decided to slip out of the extremely pleasant and mild mid-80’s, low humidity, straight into the dog days. I went for a very short run last night (14 minutes long) solely for the purpose of calibrating my new sportband, when I got home from work. It literally took me over … Continue reading Soupy Weather→
Something really exciting happened yesterday. The WLB clan was expanded by one, yesterday. Reagan and I now have a nephew. My little sister Melinda, who was actually not due for another couple of days, went into the hospital early yesterday morning. Apparently she was in labor for several hours, before the doctors ultimately made the … Continue reading New Nephew→
Reagan and I had a blast in RI. I mean, we always do, when we visit the Truscotts. So, it’s not exactly breaking news. We arrived in Newport on Thursday night, in time for 2 full days of playing in the pool croquet, barbeque, etc.. Mucho mas fotos here. On the way home, we stopped … Continue reading Independence Day Weekend 2009→
One of the great things about going to Newport for the weekend, is that it was very convenient to visit Piper on the way to and from RI. When we hung out with her today, Reagan dressed PJ all up in some patriotic colored garb. She was being super cute. We talked to the nurse … Continue reading Piper update (4th of July Weekend 09)→
Reagan and I were able to take a little road trip down south, this weekend to Virginia Beach. Some of our friends have access to a great beach house down there and invited us to tag along. For the most part, the weather was awesome. It was mid 80’s for the entire time. Sunday was … Continue reading Used to dribble down in VA→
Timing has not been my forte, today. First I had the train incident, this morning. Then, as luck (or lack thereof) would have it, the only 10 minutes that mother nature decides to make it rain today, occurred right as I walked outside to go get a passport photo taken. As a result, any and … Continue reading Passport Rain→
Sunday morning’s race was a pretty fun one. Luckily, the rain held off for just long enough. There was actually some pleasant misting during the last portion, that felt awesome. After switching back to my “Wave Inspire” shoes, I’m happy to report that I was able to run without any knee pain, whatsoever, on Sunday. … Continue reading 2009 Fathers Day 5 Mi. Race→