Category Archives: Books

Current Subway Read, and other useless tidbits

I finished all of my magazines pretty early this month. The only article that really stood out, this month, is one of the first ones that I read. It was a little profile piece on Usain Bolt. It was awe inspiring and depressing, all at once. Apparently Bolt doesn’t really even try as hard as … Continue reading Current Subway Read, and other useless tidbits

Roebling quote of the week

I mentioned previously that I had recently started a new book about the conception and construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. As it turns out, the bridge was the brainchild of the Prussian immigrant architect/engineer/genius named John Roebling. The construction was overseen by himself and his son Washington Roebling, who evidently was equally gifted. John actually … Continue reading Roebling quote of the week

“Tired of” in the most literal sense

With all of this recent noise about U2, surrounding their show in Jersey, they kind of came back onto my radar again. There was the incident with Bloomberg’s helicopter pilot, before the show. There was the appearance on Saturday Night Live. I even had a recent conversation with my friend about U2 and their appearances … Continue reading “Tired of” in the most literal sense

Three Day History Tour, beginning tomorrow

I read the book “1776” earlier this year. So did my dad and my brothers. It was all part of a plan hatched by my dad. The idea was that we all read the book together, then have a pow-wow, here in NYC to visit the local sites that we all read about in the … Continue reading Three Day History Tour, beginning tomorrow