I stumbled upon this site the other day when I was looking up race results. It has race results compiled by athlete name. I searched my name and all of my results came up. Even my corporate challenge results, hahaha. Anyway, Reagan and I spent an evening browsing this site looking up all of our … Continue reading Athletic networking site→
A little premature, I know. But for me, as the end of the year approaches, I tend to start looking back and trying to pickout, what, if anything, I have accomplished over the past year. I get annoyed when people decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving (even more annoying before Halloween). But I guess that I … Continue reading Hooray for the weekend→
I promise, this will be the last post about college football until Nov. 22, or thereabouts. Not to belabor the point, but last night was a pretty exciting game, for having such an incredibly low score. Both teams exhibited some seriously impressive defense. As I mentioned before, I feel like Utah’s team empirically would do … Continue reading To elaborate a bit→
I haven’t really laughed at South Park for a while. I feel like it took a turn toward over the top offensive about 2 seasons ago, so I have only really watched is sporadically since. I have to admit though, the election episode was so on money, I almost spit out my DC from laughing … Continue reading The South Park Microcosm→
Yes, that’s right. I came home from work, and pretty much didn’t move from the couch, except to get another coke or use the bathroom, for about the next 5 hours (PS, this picture wasn’t really taken last night, it is only for the purpose of example). Reagan was a little bummed out that she … Continue reading This is what I did all night, last night.→
I sent this pic into NY Magazine and they published it in their blog this morning. Woo hoo. I wish that I could have taken a better shot. I really wasn’t expecting to see that line this morning or else I would have brought a better camera, so I didn’t have to use the crappy … Continue reading Check out the photo credit→
People predicted that there would be a huge turnout this morning. If my polling location is any indication, those people predicted correctly. The poll opened at 6 A.M. Statewide. I arrived at 6:30 thinking that I would miss the initial crowd, and beat the crowd that would try to vote right before going into work. … Continue reading Voting→
Now that the 2008 MotoGP season has officially ended, I can devote my entire weekend couch lounging schedule to College football. UT has a dual meaning in our household. For me it is an abbreviation for Utah, the name of the state which is borne by its the largest public university and also my alma … Continue reading Winding down College FB→
Well…, Friday night, I had to work kind of late, so we didn’t really do anything, except watch American Psycho, when I got home. I was pleased that Reagan was able to go to sleep afterwards, instead of staying awake all night, out of fright (which she normally does when we watch a scary movie). … Continue reading Activities from Halloween weekend→