Is anyone else getting kind of sick of the economy tanking? I came across this article yesterday. I’m not sure how much of it is true and how much of it is hype. But I have to admit that it made me a bit uneasy. I could always pursue my dream as a professional bowler.
Despite the nasty weather all weekend, we had a pretty good time. Reagan’s brother Nathan and his wife Melanie were in town for business and we were able to hang out. They came in Thursday night, stayed until Sunday morning. Reagan and I both took Friday off, so that we could hang out. We had … Continue reading Weekend→
I have been a busy nerd for the last 30 hours or so. For a while I have been kind of annoyed with the Blogger setup. HTML seems so boring, when compared to PHP. Plus, I felt like it was kind of annoying, having stuff spread all out over the place. Anyway, last night I … Continue reading Nerding it up→
I snapped this shot last night when I was leaving work. It is the Woolworth building, all lit up to commemorate Veterans’ Day. I have to say that I am kind of annoyed with, these days. It used to automatically size photos when I posted them, even if I was hosting them somewhere else. … Continue reading Woolworth Building→
My aunt made an interesting comment in an article she wrote recently. She stated that, being a child of the 60’s she hadn’t really had the same appreciation and respect for our soldiers, as previous generations had. Obviously the Vietnam war had tainted her point of view on the issue. She went on to say … Continue reading Happy Veteran’s day→
Last time, I mentioned that in my Jr. high days, one of the bands I discovered on KJQ was the Cure. To be honest, they were kind of a guilty pleasure. I felt uncomfortable every time I saw a picture of Robert Smith, the band’s front man. He was as dedicated to his stage makeup … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #2→
I came home last night, and these bulletins were taped to the front door of the building, as well as to the wall next to the mailboxes. The funny part is that Reagan has been asking for a guinea pig for a while. I think that it is partly a joke. Anyway, the she wants … Continue reading Curi gratis, se llama "Fluffy"→
Today I was checking the snow conditions at the local resort (which shall remain nameless, out of respect for the weak), to which we have already purchased lift tickets this season. I was excited to read a little article that said they already had a 2″ base. Just out of curiosity, I decided to see … Continue reading Sometimes it is really tough to live on the east coast→
I have been a bit backed up with the video uploading for a while. So I sat down tonight and tried to get up to speed. The one below is of my little niece Maya dancing at night in Central Park. It is kinda dark, but you can get the idea. The video below was … Continue reading Getting caught up→
I’m not quite sure what the appropriate way to begin this post would be. I probably should have made an outline or something beforehand. Since I didn’t, I apologize in advance for the scattered, and most likely disconnected manner in which this post will turn out. Now that the preface is out of the way, … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #1→