He is alive and well, riding the A train. I have actually seen this 2-seat dude on the A train, a hand full of times, now. He always has his ipod cranked so loud that everyone can hear it, as he mouths the words and does that head-bob, that only really huge guys can do. … Continue reading Biggie’s not dead→
I really enjoyed this multi-page Tommy Hilfiger ad. It depicts some young guys (maybe interns or pages) wandering around Capitol Hill in suits. Not bad. But then upon turning the page, it shows the footwear. Elastic-side 3/4 high boots. From any perspective, I’m pretty sure that consensus would be that these boots are dubiously appropriate … Continue reading Drunk Boots→
7L and Esoteric are a hip hop group out of Boston. They rhyme about Jamie Lee Curtis and Wookies. I like them. Here is Feudal Lords (feat. Nejel Mongrel) (be forewarned, it has the “s” word).
This shot comes from Jef Aerosol’s Flickr (who is also apparently the artist). I cracked up, when I first saw this shot. I love the way that Brando is totally straight faced. I also like it because Reagan and I are such fans of Vespas. I can’t tell if this is painted or wheatpaste. Either … Continue reading Brando on a Vespa in Sicily→
During my Dad and Brother’s stay, we were able to hang out with Piper, on several occasions. It was pretty clear that she remembered Grandpa Breinholt. She took right too him. She even snuggled up to him and was about ready to take a nap on him, the first day that we went up to … Continue reading Piper Meets Uncle Pete→
Wally and Pete flew in late Wednesday night (late). That didn’t stop us from getting up with the Sun, on Thursday to pack in a full day. We started out (after seeing Piper) in lower Manhattan. Here is a shot of My dad and brother Pete, at Alexander Hamilton’s grave (at Trinity Church). How funny … Continue reading Revolutionary War Sites→
Yesterday was the final weekend of 2009 Summer Streets. It just happened to coincide with the weekend that my dad and youngest brother were in town for the tour-de-revo-war ’09. It wasn’t the best of weather, in fact Hurricane Bill threw a pretty nasty burst at us the previous night, taking out 500 trees, in … Continue reading Nice weather for ducks (and ruining a set of bearings)→
I read the book “1776” earlier this year. So did my dad and my brothers. It was all part of a plan hatched by my dad. The idea was that we all read the book together, then have a pow-wow, here in NYC to visit the local sites that we all read about in the … Continue reading Three Day History Tour, beginning tomorrow→
This one comes to us from Bigbozo’s flickr. It is in his South Wales collection. It is unclear who the artist is. But I’m totally digging this Audrey stencil.
Wow. I mean, I could understand when Triple 5 Soul brought back the WWII style military look. It was fairly low key. Mostly just different shades of khaki and green, with a fake patch here and there. But D&G has out-done themselves, here. They decided to take the military theme back a couple of centuries, … Continue reading D&G’s Bonaparte Campaign→