Saturday was marathon #5 for me. It was a fun race, but I definitely did not do as well as I was hoping to. My time ended up being about three minutes slower than I did on this same course last year. So, maybe I should get some consistency points, hahahah. Anyway, I think that … Continue reading Hartford 2009→
First of all, I had to share this photo, because I’m still laughing over it. If you have ever run a NYRR sponsored race then you have undoubtedly seen all of the course photographers along the way, and received the subsequent email solicitations to purchase the photos. Last Saturday, I figured “why not have a … Continue reading Jitters→
I’m trying to build a playlist for the Hartford Marathon, coming up on Saturday, and I’m having severe playlist-maker’s block. I feel like I’m kind of burnt out, for the moment on a lot of the stuff that I would traditionally load into my running playlists. So, today instead of sharing a Musica Coolica track, … Continue reading Help me, please→
The bottoms of Piper’s feet are much cuter than the bottoms of mine, Hehe. Both times that we saw Piper, this weekend, she was on trache-collar, and fell asleep shortly after we arrived. Sometimes it’s not bad to just have her snuggle up and nap on your lap. Today, though, we lucked out and she … Continue reading Piper Jane’s October, so far→
I titled this post “Conference Weekend,” because it is the weekend that our church, instead of having local meetings, just has one mega-meeting, that everyone watches on TV/Webcast Billy Graham-style. Okay, not really Billy Graham-style, at all. Lucky for us, everything comes out in print, in a few weeks. Because we missed most of it. … Continue reading Conference Weekend→
I had a pretty fun time last night, shooting some production stills for SoJones, during a Jim Jones and DJ Webstar music video shoot. The set was at the shoe store “Medici,” which is right around the corner from the Flatiron Building, on 23rd Street. Since they had to get the whole video done while … Continue reading Kicking it with Rappers→
I love this pic, so much. Reagan probably won’t be too happy that I posted it. Admittedly it is not the most flattering shot of Piper, or Reagan. But, for me this shot really sums things up. It was right after Piper woke up from her nap on Sunday. Reagan put some blankets on the … Continue reading Nirvana→
With all of this recent noise about U2, surrounding their show in Jersey, they kind of came back onto my radar again. There was the incident with Bloomberg’s helicopter pilot, before the show. There was the appearance on Saturday Night Live. I even had a recent conversation with my friend about U2 and their appearances … Continue reading “Tired of” in the most literal sense→
Girl Talk is a dude who has a serious gift for building mash-ups. This is a genre (if there is such a thing as a mash-up genre) that I have been a fan of for a while. For those who have been reading my rants for a while, have no doubt seen me dribble about … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #43 (GT)→
Alright, normally I wouldn’t just do a wholesale repost of something else, but dude, this made me laugh so hard that it hurt. In case the image above is illegible, the version of the story that I read, showed up today in Gothamist. A disgruntled New Yorker named Dalton Chiscolm is suing the Bank of … Continue reading Funniest thing that I have read, in a long long time→