All posts by Jake

GP Bikes going back to the 1 Litre engines for 2012

With such an anticlimactic Valentino Rossi world championship victory, this year, I almost stopped paying attention to the GP headlines. But, today Vito Ippolito, the president of FIM Confirmed the rumored change in engine specs for 2012. This should make things interesting. You may recall when the bikes changed from the first 4 stroke size … Continue reading GP Bikes going back to the 1 Litre engines for 2012

Kaws X Kiehls + Christmas Lights

Our good friend Zach has been holding it down for a while now, at Kielhs. It just so happens that the brand teamed up for a benefit collab with Jersey bred [former] street artist Kaws. They held a soiree at the Kiehls flagship store to showcase the collection. Zach was kind enough invite me to … Continue reading Kaws X Kiehls + Christmas Lights

Party at the Roc

We have already had a pretty busy week, this week. I worked late yesterday, but still managed to fit in a winter line launch party for Flud Watches. Then Tuesday night, Reagan and I attended a (work related) holiday party at Rockefeller Center. It was at one of the restaurants that is adjacent to the … Continue reading Party at the Roc