Ludacris! Yeah, man. It is about time that I threw some southern hip-hip into the mix. Whenever I hear southern rap, it reminds me of the good old days before Lil’ Jon came along and ruined it all-up with “Crunk.” I mean, we all thought that Crunk was going to be one of those timeless … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #54 (Luda)→
I mentioned previously that I had recently started a new book about the conception and construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. As it turns out, the bridge was the brainchild of the Prussian immigrant architect/engineer/genius named John Roebling. The construction was overseen by himself and his son Washington Roebling, who evidently was equally gifted. John actually … Continue reading Roebling quote of the week→
Piper seems to be doing well. She is definitely acting like her spunky self, again. We went to visit her very early today, and were able to have several quality hours with her. We can tell that she is still trying to shake the final stages of the bug that was causing her so much … Continue reading PJ News→
I had to be in the office for a while on Saturday. When I arrived downtown, it was late afternoon, and it was like a ghost town. It was totally freezing outside. The only people that I really saw were occasional groups of tourists. The sun was totally lighting up the west side of the … Continue reading Self P→
For the title, I was going to use “this n’ that,” again. But, I already used that earlier this week. “Ramble on” works better anyway, because it kind of invokes the Led Zeppelin song. Here is le scoop: Piper wasn’t feeling too hot earlier this week. Apparently she had a minor case of pneumonia. Luckily … Continue reading Ramble on→
I’m always amazed by the way that this chica can look hot doing just about anything (including bogarting the final mini-guarana that came back from Brazil with us). Antartica Refrigerante de Guarana, forevah. We may or may not have made out after I took these photos.
First of all, sorry in advance. It is that time of day where I feel like everything that I bang out on the keyboard it hilarious/awesome, even though in reality it is total crap and laden with typos. It’s like punch drunk mixed with invincibility. Getting to the point: I mean, you have to love … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #53 (LT)→
I was working on Reagy’s website and I got up to take a bathroom break. As I was standing there, I looked up and saw la luna peering through top of the window at me. I thought I may as well have some photo fun. The first one is with a 40mm at f/22 for … Continue reading So Mooney→
It was really nice not having to work, this week. Reagan, unfortunately was not able to get out of work on Thursday. So, I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Reagan’s Parents. One of the great things about having family come from out of town, is that it gives me a good excuse … Continue reading This n’ that→