All posts by Jake

Fairey Exhibit Coming to the Deitch gallery (as final exhibit)

The Deitch gallery has a pretty strong legacy, in the street art community. If you are a fan, then you have probably already heard that Deitch is closing its doors.  As a final hoorah, the Deitch Gallery will be featuring an exhibit by Shepherd Fairey. I’m not going to lie. I’m pretty excited about it. … Continue reading Fairey Exhibit Coming to the Deitch gallery (as final exhibit)

Products Shots

Yes, this makes two consecutive posts with the word “product” in the title, hahahah. Wednesday evening, I shot a bunch of product images for a forthcoming SoJones piece. It was a lot of fun, as usual. I’m curious to know what other people’s reactions are, to the fact that the collegiate look will be back … Continue reading Products Shots