This leftover shot from Kolob Canyon, from our visit in March, was the best that I could come up with for my 2010 Earth Day post. Go save some whales, recycle, etc..
Photo by: Reagan Apparently Reagan was so jealous of my new summer haircut, that she ran out and got one too! Hahahah. I have to admit, her’s came out much better than mine. Other unrelated items going on this week: Tonight, we are finally going to see Banky’s “Exit through the Giftshop.” I just purchased … Continue reading Bettah shot of the new do + copycat→
This week is another throwback from the mid-90’s. Luscious Jackson was probably in my top 10 favorite groups during HS. I thought that they were awesome for several reasons. Primarily, because they were signed to the label that the Beastie Boys started called “Grand Royal.” In addition to being tight with the B-Boys, I thought … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #66 (LJ)→
I returned from a run, Monday night, and decided that I was fed up with my current mop. Reagan and I weren’t on the best of terms, at the moment, so I didn’t exactly feel like I could hit her up for a trim. I took matters into my own hands and ended up with … Continue reading Summer Haircut→
Piper has been keeping the cute-meter needle turned up to eleven, for the past several visits. This weekend was no exception. On Saturday when we arrived, she was sleeping with both hands over her head, fingers wrapped securely around the crib bars. Reagan had to pry them off to wake her up. When we wake … Continue reading PJ’s latest→
Not your garden variety of street art, this week. But, it is similar in concept to the Rub Kandy piece from last October. I will never get tired of them. The artist who created the work, above, goes by the name of Felice Varini. I came across his work via The World’s Best Ever. Now, … Continue reading Street art o’ the week, from another perspective→
I finished all of my magazines pretty early this month. The only article that really stood out, this month, is one of the first ones that I read. It was a little profile piece on Usain Bolt. It was awe inspiring and depressing, all at once. Apparently Bolt doesn’t really even try as hard as … Continue reading Current Subway Read, and other useless tidbits→
Here I go with the ska, again. In some previous LMC posts, I mentioned how my affinity for ska, growing up, was heavily influenced by the plethora of extremely talented local ska bands that were around, at the time. One of my very favorites was Swim Hershel Swim. I don’t even remember how they came … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #65 (SHS)→
This is one that I figured I had better post now, before I totally forget. When we were visiting UT, a little over a month ago, Reagan made Piper’s name in the snow, next to the cat track in Grizzly Gulch. I was hiking back up to get a photo of it (that is me, … Continue reading Piper Snow Sculpture→
We were supposed to be in DC today and tomorrow, enjoying the company of our newly engaged friends, and the scent of cherry blossoms. Instead, I will be enjoying this beautiful weather from inside of the building I work in. Not quite the same. On a very positive note, when I visited Piper yesterday, she … Continue reading Happy Monday→