Despite being ill, I went for a run Wednesday night, against my better judgment. I definitely paid for it. I felt like death, when I got home, then woke up the next day even more congested. Today I’m feeling a bit better, but I’m going to play it safe and wait until Saturday to pick … Continue reading Weekend Anticipation→
(above: More leftovers from Charleston. For extra kicks, peep the full res image) I’m going a bit stir crazy with this cold that I developed over the weekend. The weather, since we have been back in NYC has been ideal summer running weather and I haven’t been able to take advantage. It’s kind of putting … Continue reading Midweek this n’ that→
Get ready for another massive pile of photos, hehe. Early Saturday, Reagan and I visited an old plantation (above). The skies were insanely blue and loaded up with little cloud puffs. We thought that the whole thing was pretty cool. But we especially enjoyed hanging out on the quiet cotton dock, where we saw some … Continue reading Vacay Recap→
I should lower my grade even more, for posting this thing 2 days late. Anyway, better late than never, I suppose. Grade for the week= C-. I started out the week well, but as can be seen above, I only did 10 miles of the 17 mile run that was scheduled for Saturday. Granted, I … Continue reading Running Evaluation for the week of 7-24→
I recently was lucky enough to be he recipient of a cool little waterproof camera, just in time to take it on vacation with us. I also just recently upgraded my Vimeo account to be able to embed HD. So, to kick things off right, I though that I would post a quick video of … Continue reading Get crazy with the videos→
Reagan and I were doing it up Bklyn-style, last night and a Converse promo featuring Kid Cudi et al. It is kind of fun when I can bring Reagan along to gigs like those, because we always spend some time just goofing off. There are just a few more items that I have to knock … Continue reading Poised to bounce→
I hate to just bomb the bejeebus out of a post with endless photos, like this. But sometimes, you kinda have to. Here are a few more of my faves from Monday and Tues. See if you can spot those who own Olympic medals, below (they all own winter-x titles). Extra points if you name … Continue reading T-show faves part 2→
I have had a blast, this week shooting three separate trade shows. Monday, I was able to hang out with a bunch of Olympic caliber snowboarders and swap some stories about riding Utah back country. I was also able to reconnect with all of my friends over at Cargo. It was a blast. I’m including … Continue reading Checking in→
Ok, do you best not to get clouded out, in this post. It was one of those things where the images don’t really do it justice. In real life, it looked like the whole island of Manhattan could have been on fire. Anyway, these shots are a bit repetitious, but here they all are anyway.