Reagan picked up a little hat for Piper, in hopes that it would help her deal better with the bright conditions, when we take her outside. So when we arrived at Piper’s house on Saturday, we slathered her all up with sunscreen and put her little hat on, and started to walk her outside. The … Continue reading PJ’s New Hat→
In June, I saw this crazy thing called a burgermelt (a Friendly’s invention, consisting of a burger between two grilled cheese sandwiches) on the internet, and asked Reagan to make it for me. She totally did it. So, last weekend, when I saw this thing called a Fried Cheese Melt, which is apparently a new … Continue reading Fried Cheese Melt→
Don’t you love those weeks where you are so busy that they just fly past and before you even realize it, they are over? I love those weeks (but I hate when that happens on vacation). I have been too busy to even shave (see above). The shot above is perfect evidence of why I … Continue reading Is it Friday already?→
Tuesday, I dropped back by the piece that Os Gemeos are working on. This time, I was able to chat with Gustavo (above) for a while in Portuguese. I can’t tel you how great it was to chat with a Brazilian that has a proper Paulista accent (not to mention that it was cool to … Continue reading Falou→
Will Holland, a.k.a Quantic, is a man of man sounds. If you are a fan of music, then you will be a fan of something that he has done. I first started jamming to Quantic a few years ago, when “Pushin’ on” was released. I can’t really describe the flavor of that album, but it … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #78 (Quantic)→
After pulling out several hands full of hair (my own, hehe), and consulting with some of the most knowledgeable programmers I know (maximum thanks going out to Andre and Jansen), I was finally able to get the php garbage all resolved and running correctly. As a double bonus, I was able to eliminate all of … Continue reading And…. we’re back (sort of)→
I normally just try to refrain from writing anything, if it is just going to be complaining. But, today, I couldn’t help myself. In fact the title of this post is quite dramatic. But, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Piper is fine. I’m still employed. Reagan is fine. But… I am … Continue reading My life is falling apart→
(above: Jake and Reagan Playing Horseshoes in Charleston by: Kat) I have been up to my neck in nerdy stuff, the past few days. A year ago, my brother-in-law and I went into a joint venture on web hosting. Recently it became pretty clear that our current setup would no longer support what we are … Continue reading Welcome to the new server→
Piper did remember, today. Phew! She was in a great mood when we arrived. I feel like she is getting better and better at walking. She has to hold on to stuff, but I think that she enjoys being mobile on her feet. Today she kept making the rounds between me, Reagan and the bottom … Continue reading Piper’s Saturday + B-boy Battle→
This week, I earned an F. I only ran 2 of the 7 runs that were scheduled. It would have been a super easy week, with my longest scheduled run only being 9 miles. Oh well. I guess if I was going to be sick, this was the week to do it. I did step … Continue reading Running Evaluation for the week of 7-31→