Photos, above and below, are of Reagan’s new dress that she is so proud of. Hahahah. I’m not particularly proud of either of these photos, but Reagan’s cuteness definitely comes through. When I look at them I start singing (in my head) “I put my hand upon your hip. When I dip, you dip, we … Continue reading On Running, and a few other items→
First stop, last night was the Reed Space for the 13th Witness photo exhibit. I really like this guy’s work. I feel like we share a lot of stylistic commonalities. Tim (13th Witness) went on tour recently with John Mayer, and documented it with photos. Mayer showed up to the exhibit with Leica in tow. … Continue reading Faves From Monday→
Saturday evening, I was able to shoot Band of Outsiders. The space was in the same building as the Capsule Trade Show, earlier this summer. The display was awesome. In the shot above, the models were standing in front of a greenhouse wall created from windows in white frames. The plants were being sprayed with … Continue reading A Few More Shots from the Weekend→
When we arrive at Piper’s room on Saturday, she was having a party with some friends. One of Piper’s nurses had come in on her day off, and brought her mom (from out of town) to hang out with the kids that she takes care of. Isn’t that cool?! Piper was loving it. She had … Continue reading Piper had a busy weekend, too.→
[include file= iframe=true width=658 height=685 scrolling=yes] (slide to view) Reagan asked me to do some shots for her, like the ones that I did of myself for the hoodie weather post. Terry Richardson would be proud! Hahahahaha. If would have to say that Reagan is basically the cutest girl alive (and I’m not just talking … Continue reading Since Reag liked them so much→
Yesterday I shot the Phillip Lim runway show. Kanye was there, minding his manners. At the Burton FNO party, they had a little quarterpipe set up on Spring St. And probably my favorite character of the evening, the Brazilian DJ at Burton:
Grade: C+ Total Miles: 55.88 This was a hard week for me. Even though I missed two 6 mile runs. I really had to dig deep for the longer runs. I didn’t really do any tempo work today. So who knows how my pace is doing. I guess I will find out next weekend. We … Continue reading Running Evaluation for the week of 9-11→
[include file= iframe=true width=658 height=685 scrolling=yes] (slide to view) Tonight, it is officially hoodie weather. Since I had some time on my hands, I took these photos to prove it.
I was up an out early this morning, shooting some more eyewear. It was a gorgeous morning, both in terms of weather and light conditions. When I first came out of the apartment door, I startled a little bird. Apparently it had taken a wrong turn and ended up inside of our apartment building. I … Continue reading Today feels like fall→
Just when you thought that the Hudson River could not be anymore toxic, the red tide shows up and makes the water even more of a health hazard. Pardon the crappy b-berry cam photos (I’ll get to that later). I read some reports about red tide in Gothamist, yesterday. But, I didn’t realize how visible … Continue reading Wednesday’s red tide and the like.→