[include file=http://www.jakesnewblog.com/wp-content/gallery/largefiles/sunsetpanorama600.html iframe=true width=658 height=650 scrolling=yes] (slide to view) This is an image that I pieced from a few different images. Like an idiot, I had the cam set to AWB, so the WB is a bit different it each, and you can see the seams. I was feeling too lazy tonight, to fix it. … Continue reading Fantastic Sunset→
I posted some kind of creepy photos in the spirit of it being the month of Halloween. They aren’t nearly as awesome as these ones, that I saw yesterday. But, who can compete with that kind of stuff!? Don’t worry, Reagan isn’t dead. These shots are from a session that we did with a painter … Continue reading Happy October!→
I had a blast shooting Thursday night. It is kind of weird, but when I first moved to NYC, I used to have a lot of dreams about being out, about wandering the streets and overwhelmed. In my dream, it was always night and overcast, with the city lights reflecting off of the clouds. The … Continue reading Overcast City + Gourmet at Bloomies→
In May, Shepard Fairey worked with 100 kids from the CityKids Foundation put together a wheat paste mural that was installed earlier this week in WFC (which happens to be the compound that I work in) So I stopped by and snapped some images for Cutratedmag. If you have a sec, this short video is … Continue reading Fairey + CityKids at WFC→
Wednesday night I was helping Reagan with some images for a guest post that she is doing for some style blog. It was one of those step-by-step hair style things. Anyway, we had just finished it up, and I was breaking down my camera, when she called me from down the hall to come get … Continue reading Dumb Blonde→
Totally kidding, about the “already” part. Holy cow, torrential rain makes a week drag and drag, no? Anyway, tomorrow I’ll be shooting the event below. So, please (pretty please) feel free to come by. I mean– Bloomies, you know where it is. And.. free Heine. How can you turn that down? Post script: I. Hate. … Continue reading Is it hump day, already?→
Yes, Best Coast. You may or may not remember, Reagan and I saw them open for Kid Cudi earlier this summer. We both really liked them. They are kind of an odd combo: Two cat loving middle-aged white women, and a dude on guitar that looks like he grew up listening to metal. They are … Continue reading La Musica Coolica #81 (Best Coast)→
We had a really good weekend. I was able to see Piper 3 times, which is a rarity. We spent some good times hanging out with friends, and the weather was great all weekend long. Of course that meant that Monday had to come with a vengeance. The shot above is a view from my … Continue reading Rain, Daydreaming, thinking too much, etc..→
First of all, the funniest thing ever: When we arrived Saturday afternoon, Piper was just waking up from her nap. She was kind of playing with the little device where her G-tube (feeding tube) connects to her belly. We didn’t think much of it, at first. But after changing her diaper, clothes, she was still … Continue reading Piper tries out her new skinnies.→
Grade= F Milage= nominal This week, I earn a solid F. I didn’t evaluate last week, but I earned an F then also. I was going to give myself a pass for last week, since I scored my fastest half-marathon time, to date, on Sunday. Alas, I was a total POS this week. I was … Continue reading Running Evaluation for the week of 9-24→