Even though Reagan is not my mother, I feel like she is a mother who should definintely be honored today. Before Piper was born, Reagan was convinced that Piper chose us to be born to. We knew that Piper was going to have a lot of problems, but we didn’t really know to what extent … Continue reading Piper chose well→
It just seemed unnatural to crop my dad out of this picture, so I left him in (because he is a great guy too). Anyway, thanks ma for being such a wonderful person and a good example/teacher to me. I always feel lucky about how we became such good homies from the time that I … Continue reading Give it up for Ma B→
RIP Tucker and namless Jack Dempsey. The Jack actually died earlier this week. There were 3 of them that lived with Napoleon (the large oscar). Two of them ganged up a bullied the other one to death. When I was taking his corpse out of the tank, I noticed that the Tucker the pleco had … Continue reading 2 casualties this week→
I have always had bad allergies in the spring and summer. I even took shots for them as a kid (the shots didn’t work at all). When I was in Brazil, they were super bad for about the first 6 months I lived there. We were outside most of the time and even when we … Continue reading Season of the Snot→
A week from this Saturday my youngest sister is getting married. Reagan and I are both really excited for her and her fiance Thomas. In addition to celebrating the marriage of Melinda, the majority of my immediate family will be all in one location, which doesn’t happen very often. As I’m sure it is with … Continue reading Get Pumped for Family Time!→
Yesterday, Reagan and I took an early afternoon trip out to visit with Piper’s Doctors. The visit was pretty good. Nothing major has changed since our last visit. They haven’t been able to make any progress on her vent settings, in fact, they have done a little backsliding in that area. It isn’t anything overly … Continue reading I mean, at this point I may as well go for an MD→
I guess after working from home yesterday, it was enough to get me all out of my routine. I left the house this morning without my watch or my work blackberry. Anyway, this pimp got on the train at 125th. It was pretty awesome the way he threw elbows to get in front of everyone, … Continue reading Pretty Awesome Tuesday Morning, so far→
Sunday’s race was a classic. The front line of the starting grid was Collin Edwards, Valentino Rossi and Casey Stoner. The race was intense from the very first corner. There was a lot of competition in the early laps for first position. Eventually Edwards took a corner wide and ran off the course, dropping way … Continue reading Rossi pulls out a victory in China, Lorenzo races with broken ankle→
After all of my complaining about the weather beforehand, I really had to eat my words on Sunday. Even though it was overcast and misting in the morning, the weather could not have been more ideal for running. I shaved about 20 minutes off of my time last year finishing at 4:08. I was shooting … Continue reading Chariots of Fire in Nassau County→
This post is more out of boredom than that I really have anything substantive to write about (because normally, I totally do, hahaha). Anyway, I’m so bored. Reagan is in Atlanta this weekend hanging out with her sisters and her ATL peeps. I’m pretty bummed that I couldn’t go. The running gang and I took … Continue reading Just me and Napster this weekend.→